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Jansen, E.J. (2008) Using remote sensing to predict macrobenthos abundance in the Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.
Karakassi, F.D. (2008) Successful plant establishment under different trait attributes of the resident community. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.
Kochen, L. (2008) Recruitment of Target Species in the Drentsche Aa Reserve. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.
Schooten, B. van (2008) Innate immune system varied with life stage in barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis). Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.
Verheijen, B. (2008) Evaluation of vegetation changes in Midden Groningen using plant and environmental traits. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.
Witsenburg, F. (2008) Insects and their viruses. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.
Witsenburg, F. (2008) Putting personality back in nature: Natural variation in behavioural types in the cooperative breeding cichlid Neolamprologus puicher. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.