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Amaya Romero, J. E. (2017) Determinants of mitochondrial genetic diversity and structure in the Anopheles gambiae species complex. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Amaya Romero, Jorge Eduardo (2017) A test of the islands pf speciation theory using forward-time genomic simulations. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Ausma, T. (2017) Does eutrophication make seagrasses sick? Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Ausma, T. (2017) Phenotypic plasticity in plants: a critical survey of costs and limits. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Boer, J. de (2017) The differences in phylogenies of the Bateson-Dobzhansky-Müller model and the Protracted Birth-Death model. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Bontekoe, I.D. (2017) Travel - Eat - Breed The role of migration, pre-laying behaviour and condition in reproductive decisions of female Black-tailed Godwits (Limosa limosa limosa). Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Borger, M.J. (2017) Disentangling egg and parental effects on chick quality. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Brands, B.S. (2017) Today's special: A study on the diet of Black-tailed Godwit chicks. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Eikelenboom, A.M.E. (2017) The relation between nest predation risk and the incubation behaviour of sanderlings (Calidris alba). Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Gommer, R.J. (2017) Does breeding asynchronously to the caterpillar peak affect the diet-composition of pied flycatcher nestlings and what are the fitness consequences? Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Gommer, R.J. (2017) Does genetic kinship affect the dear-enemy relationship: familiarity versus genetic kinship? Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Guerin, Claire Jeannine Madeleine (2017) Modelling the coevolution of diet adaptation and mate choice in stratified human societies. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Gutiérrez Valencia, J. and Slotte, T. and Laenen, B. (2017) Genomic signatures of natural selection on genes expressed in Arabis alpina. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Gutiérrez-Valencia, J. and Chomicki, G. and Renner, S.S. (2017) Mutualism breakdown and transitions to facultative associations in the neotropical ant-plant genus Cecropia (Urticaceae). Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Gutiérrez-Valencia, J. and Slotte, T. and Laenen, B. (2017) Genomic signatures of natural selection of genes expressed in pollen in Arabis alpina. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Hulshof, A. (2017) Effect of satellite tagging on behaviour and phenology in refueling male ruffs. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Jorna, J. (2017) The effect of climate change on pelagic macropredators in the arctic Bering- and Barents Sea. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Khadraoui, M (2017) Environmental and genetic components of variation in body size of a cooperative breeder, the purple-crowned fairy-wren. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Kloek, S. R. (2017) "Friendships" between the sexes in primates. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Kromhout Van Der Meer, I.M. (2017) Copying the majority: Density dependent heterospecific and conspecific social information use in nest site selecting Pied Flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca). Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Liang, Q. and Varkevisser, J. and Simon, R. and Halfwerk, W. and Verhulst, S. and Riebel, K. (2017) Preference for multimodal song exposure with a video or a still image in female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
M.A.D. Havinga (2017) Trade-offs between migration and sleep in birds. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Manche, P (2017) The development of personality: Age-related consistency of exploratory behaviour and gizzard size in red knots (Calidris canutus islandica). Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Mosna, M (2017) Female preferences in the face of a trade-off between mating and paternal decisions. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Paoletti, A (2017) The importance of cultural transmission in migratory behaviour in birds. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Paoletti, A. (2017) Amphibian and reptile communities of dry and wet sites across Indonesian oil palm, rubber and forests. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Plata, C.A. and Shukla, S.P. and Heiko, V (2017) How to thrive on carrion: the role of burying beetle's microbiota in carcass preservation and digestion. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Rego-Costa, A. (2017) Repeatability in the fate of evolving lineages. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Rego-Costa, Artur (2017) The evolution of social learning skills and the adaptive value of culture. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Schepers, J (2017) Paludicultuur bufferzone in natuurpark Veenland. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Seex, L (2017) Elo-rating and emergent patterns in DomWorld. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Serra Serra, N. (2017) Within and among population dynamics of Zostera marina in west Swedish fjords. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Simonet, C. (2017) The effect of recombination on the emergence of pleiotropic and epistatic interactions during adaptation. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Storms, R.F. (2017) Using robots to understand the dynamics of escape behaviour (literature review and research proposal). Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Thon, F. (2017) The role of functional diversity and species richness in the evolution of bacterial communities. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
V.V. Boullosa, L.F. and Sofonea, M. and Alizon, S. (2017) The role of host age heterogeneity in the evolution of human parasites. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Veenstra, R. (2017) Parasites & Pundamilia: testing the role of parasites in host speciation. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.
Zondervan, S. F. (2017) Vocalization component in begging behaviour of Blue tits. Master's Thesis / Essay, Ecology and Evolution.