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Alvarruiz, Sergio (2023) Long distance magnon transport in 2D van der Waals Antiferromagnetic material CrPS4. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Anyszka, Wojciech (2023) The Kepler Problem and Its Relation to Extremal Black Holes. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Barho, Paula (2023) Self-Assembly and Mechanical Properties of an Artificial Light Harvesting System. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Berzan, Nichita (2023) Higher-Form Symmetries and their Spontaneous Breaking. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Besseling, Florine (2023) Using Proton Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance T1 Relaxation to distinguish the Cellulose Core from its Surface. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Bettencourt da Silva Reis, Beatriz (2023) Probing Simulated Perovskite Solar Cells: Impedance Spectroscopy. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Bijl, Robin van der (2023) The optical properties of combustion generated particles in 1D hydrogen-doped flames. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Bijma, Jelger op (2023) Simulating EIT with spin-active quantum emitters in an optical waveguide. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Bobrova Blyumin, Elisabeth (2023) Counting Statistics of an Electron Electric Dipole Moment Experiment. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Bosma, Herre (2023) Dephasing by Electromagnetic Interactions in Matter-Wave Interferometry. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Bouwman, Niels (2023) Optimization of ion guiding through the CISe gas catcher. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Bruine, Frederiek de (2023) Predicting the origin of the first hits measured by the Vertex Locator for B(c) → τ + ν. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Bruinenberg, Jelle (2023) Comparing the new and old COK systems. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Buil Contreras, Miranda Jacqueline (2023) Spin polarized transport in a magnetic tunnel junction with an oxide barrier. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Candiani, NIcolò (2023) Primordial Scalar Perturbations as sources of a Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Caparrós Calle, Pablo (2023) Using Polyatomic Molecules for eEDM Searches. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Danker, Teun (2023) The role of geoengineering in fighting climate change. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Dharamraj, Sergio (2023) Characterization of BaF2 Detectors for Neutron Cross-Section Determination. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Dijkstra, Jeffrey (2023) Early Dark Energy and Rayleigh Scattering in the CMB. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Esselink, Anna (2023) Potential Constraints from a Bc → τν Measurement on the New Physics Parameter Space. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Fallouh, Lara (2023) Optimization of FRUIT into FRUBIC for Cetuximab-IRdye® 800 NHS Ester stained Porcine colon coupled with a quantitative Phase contrast image analysis technique for transparency determination. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Fernandez Garcia, Isidro (2023) Investigating the efficacy of using carbon dioxide-water equilibration to make 17O-CO2 reference gases. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Frugte, Jonas (2023) The Search for an Observational Quantum Signature in Primordial Perturbations During Slow Roll Inflation. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Frugte, Jonas (2023) The Search for an Observational Quantum Signature in Primordial Perturbations During Slow Roll Inflation. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Gupta, Ayush (2023) Investigating the role of compressive strain on ferroelectric properties of SrMnO3. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Herz, Sam (2023) Permanent Magnet Particle Traps. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Hofstra, Pieter (2023) The Quantification of the Overlap of the two Gaussian Laser Beams that Create the Superposition in the BaF Molecules in the eEDM Experiment. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Horst, Lucas van der (2023) Heterogeneity of VELO’s pixels response to a monochromatic Fe55 radioactive source. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Horst, Lucas van der (2023) Heterogeneity of VELO’s pixels response to a monochromatic Fe55 radioactive source. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Klement, Jan Mark Bas (2023) Raman active dopant in alignment layer coating of a liquid crystal cell to distinguish between bulk and surface molecules with polarized Raman scattering spectroscopy; pH gel reference containing infrared optical tracer for determining concentration of dye in tumors. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Knoop, Xenia (2023) Leukaemia and NPM1: Elucidating the effect of AML mutations on NPM1-Nup214 Interactions. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Koscelanska, Natalie Klaudie (2023) Symmetric Group and Double Copy Building Blocks of Scattering Amplitudes. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Koster, Bernhard Johan (2023) Creep behaviour of rock salt during cyclic energy storage. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Li, Tina (2023) Optimizing dark Zeeman sublevel remixing for efficient laser cooling of BaF molecules. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Llàcer Caro, Sofia (2023) Gamma-hadron separation with the upcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Morbelli, Gianmarco (2023) Probing Axion Inflation Coupled to U(1) Gauge Fields. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Mulder, Anton Jan (2023) Enhancing device performance of OSCs by introducing self-assembled monolayers as hole transport layers. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Pacurar, Darius-Andrei (2023) Modelling electronic phase transition based volatile resistive switching for brain inspired computing. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Paudyal, Asutosh (2023) Effects of the velocity distribution in a BaF molecular beam in an eEDM measurement. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Paulson Schlösser, Saskia Moana (2023) Tree Ring Radiocarbon Concentrations in Relation to Recent Cosmic Radiation Events. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Penninga, Mareen (2023) Combining low-temperature geothermal energy with a heat pump to deliver energy to direct air capture technology. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Petz, Magnus (2023) Rotations in Stern-Gerlach Interferometry. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Peyrou-Lauga, Thomas (2023) Using acousto-optical modulators to address the hyperfine structure of BaF. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Piner, Katie (2023) Calculation of the electron affinity of polonium. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Putman, Julian (2023) UQCRH as Target Protein in OCCC treatment. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Rasmussen, Anders (2023) KV3Sb5/Py and Spin-Orbit Torques. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Secuiu, Andrei-Rafael (2023) Gravitational Wave Phenomenology from non-Abelian Gauge Fields in Chromo-Natural Inflation. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Sikkens, Mike (2023) First estimate for noise inside the upgraded VELO detector. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Slager, Ruben (2023) Conductivity Measurements of Two HELP-SOFC Electrodes Placed Back-to-back Using Different Weights. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Smit, Jordi (2023) Baryon Number non-conservation around Black Holes. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Sonius, Tom (2023) Toward Laser Ablation of Barium Ions. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Stefan, Tudor (2023) Optimization of ion injection and ion beam optics for the MR ToF MS within the NEXT project. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Sumbre, Vedang Kaustubh (2023) Improving the Signal Readout of an eEDM Experiment. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Timmer, Myrdin (2023) Trapping Lycopodium Spores in a Vertical Linear Paul Trap. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Tollington, Edward (2023) A Gauge Theory for Shallow Water. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Vonk, Frouke (2023) The Effect of Transport Layers on Photoluminescence Quenching in Perovskite Solar Cells. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Wasyliko, Corynn (2023) The relevance of impedance spectroscopy to perovskite solar cell simulation. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Wijk, Rosann van (2023) Dynamical Similarities on FLRW Cosmology. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Wong, Chee Mun (2023) Temporal and Spatial Variability of Atmospheric Hydrogen from 2012 to 2021 at Six NOAA/GMD Stations. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Zhang, Ruiyun (2023) Quantum Systems and Effects in Environment. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Zuidema, Tim (2023) Computationally Distinguishing Various α-Synuclein Polymorphs with Infrared Absorption Spectra. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Zwart, Joël (2023) Simulating Cold Three-Body Recombination of Antihydrogen. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.