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Albuquerque Gómez, Ignacio (2024) Can the spin-2 planar Schrödinger equation be modified to higher-order derivatives? Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Alonso Mediavilla, Miguel (2024) First-principles studies of nonlinear anomalous Hall Effects. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Angelo Tassioulas, Ioannis (2024) Optimization of Analog to Spike Encoding of Sound Data for Sound Source Localization. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Banh, Huy (2024) Spin Excitations of Magnetic Textures: Domain Walls, Skyrmions and Bimerons. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Bartczak, Maja (2024) Symmetry Breaking in 1+1D: Can the Higgs Mechanism Happen in 1+1D? Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Belleri, Giacomo (2024) Determining Gauge Field Induced Primordial Non-Gaussianity by Calculation of the Bispectrum employing Green’s Functions. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Besten, Niels den (2024) Parity Violation in Chiral Tetrahedral Molecules. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Blommaert, René (2024) The Impact of Helium Pressure on Ion-guiding Efficiency at the Low Energy Branch of NEXT. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Boven, Wietze van (2024) Calculations of Parity Violation in a Pt-diamine molecule. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Carpenter, Sydney (2024) Exploring topological properties in Bi substituted Pt(BiTe)2 material. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Casamian, Paul (2024) Spin-Isospin Model of a Triangular Antiferromagnet. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Chourmouziadis, Chourmouzios (2024) Investigation into inflation: reheating constraints for the m2φ 2 slow-roll model. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Cigan, Briana (2024) Analysis of the external magnetic fields for the NL-eEDM experiment. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Coll Puig, Marc (2024) Proving the hidden Zeros on Tr(ϕ^3) theory. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Danilaite, Agne (2024) Gas phase structures of ubiquitin +13 ions: comparing molecular dynamics simulations and ion mobility spectrometry data. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
De Cesare, Lorenzo (2024) The influence of Galactic morphology on Dark matter detecting neural networks. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
De Mare, Ludovica (2024) Measurement of the Raw Asymmetry Ratio in the Decay Λ 0 b → Λ 0 (→ pπ−)J/ψ (→ e +e −). Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
De Matos Espírito Santo, João Paulo (2024) Phase Space on a Noncommutative de Sitter Spacetime. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Denayer, Umberto (2024) Calculations of Molecular Sensitivity to the Electric Dipole Moment of the Electron and Anapole Moment. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Deng, Xunze (2024) XPS Analysis of a Catalyst for the Activation of PMS: Cu-Co Supported on Hierarchical Porous Carbon. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Dinu, Ambra Maria (2024) RooFit Implementation of the Flux Systematics in the KM3NeT/ORCA Neutrino Oscillation Analysis. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Elsinga, Brian (2024) An Investigation of the Scarring Phenomenon in the original and first-order PN-corrected Kepler System. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Erçetin, Utku (2024) Computing CMB Anisotropies in Compact Hyperbolic Universes. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Fazeli, Tina (2024) Kinematics of undulatory swimmers using Resistive Force Theory. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Ferreras González, Isabel (2024) An overview of warm inflation. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Garmendia Eguzkitza, Iratxe (2024) “The gate does not work” effect in dual-gated two-dimensional materials. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Geurts, Marco Hendricus Maria (2024) Rotation of NV-center and Quantum Spatial Superposition. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Ghizdavet, Calin Mihai (2024) The multiscale cosmic void population: Dark Energy and Gravity. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Giannetti, Franco (2024) Characterization of Mixing Efficiency of Multiple Commercially Available Microreactor Geometries. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Hagen, Martin (2024) Improving HPGe Detector Time Resolution Using Machine Learning. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Harkema, Daan (2024) Energy storage demand in the context of the Dutch energy transition: How much will really be needed? Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Harten, Adriana van (2024) Optimising Laser Cooling of Ba+ Ions. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Hendla, Erik Kert (2024) Stability and Dynamics of Polyglutamine Monomers and Dimers: An All-Atom Molecular Dynamics Study. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Hofstede, Jelle Henk (2024) Exergy analysis of an ammonia rSOC using air recirculation under varying fuel utilisation. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Ionescu, Diana Gabriela (2024) Modelling a TbMnO3 Device as a Memristor at Low Frequencies. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Jaber, Tarek (2024) Characterization of Resistive Switching in Nb:SrTiO3 Interface Memristors. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Jain, Ákshat (2024) Collinear spin accumulation in strained chiral material. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Janewska, Magdalena (2024) Simulating Capillary Force Bridges Using LAMMPS in Ambient and Aqueous-Ambient Conditions: The Influence of Roughness. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Jansen, Dione (2024) Investigating nucleic acid-protein interactions using single-molecule techniques. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Jaworska, Helena (2024) Spectroscopy of Rubidium Plasma for Wakefield Diagnostics at the AWAKE Experiment. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Kanestrom, Marcus (2024) Optical Cavity Optimization for Spin-lasers with 2D Materials. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Kaya, Aylan (2024) A Mathematical Analysis of Cosmic Inflation. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Koch, Florine (2024) Thermal characterisation of the LISA Quadrant Photoreceiver, Thermal test facility and simulations. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Kolk, H.J. van der (2024) Effect of Ammonia and Nitrogen Dilution on Particle Size in Ethylene Diffusion Flame. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Kouwenhoven, Robbert (2024) Atmospheric Rivers over Antarctica in CMIP6 models: future changes and the role of the jet stream. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Kovács, Balázs Szabolcs (2024) Determining mechanical response of proteoglycans by coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Kwaśniak, Jakub (2024) Beyond the Standard Model: Leptoquark Explanations for R(D) and R(D*) Flavour Anomalies. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Lamparská, Veronika (2024) Computational Studies of Charge-To-Spin Conversion in Low-Symmetry Materials. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Langová, Barbora (2024) Sidechain and backbone interactions of polyQ chain in HttEx1 using 2D NMR Spectroscopy. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Lelonek, Kasia (2024) Cosmic Web Force Field in and around Clusters. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Lichkovski, Ilija (2024) Mono-lyso-cardiolipin promotes membrane disordering implicated in Barth Syndrome. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Lopez Llorens, Lluna (2024) Design of a Pyramid Filter by Performing a Comparative Analysis of Spread-Out Bragg Peaks Using Analytical Models and GEANT-4 TOPAS. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Luiten, Gijs (2024) Analysis of the temporal and spatial transmittance in tissue clearing using Benzyl Alcohol/Benzyl Benzoate. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Malalasena, Virun (2024) Characterisation of Microgels for Targeted Drug Delivery: A Comprehensive Analysis on their Physiochemical Properties. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Manu-Marin, Filip (2024) Time-of-Flight measurements at the AGOR cyclotron using Timepix4 ASIC. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Maroto, Elea (2024) Modelling the sensitivity of the Dutch energy transition to uranium cost using the IESA-OPT-N model. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Martin Fernandez, Patricia (2024) What can we Learn from Low Frequency IS of Perovskite Solar Cells? Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Martínez Garrido, Mikel (2024) Theoretical modelling of tungsten defects in SiC. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Medici, Leonardo (2024) Modelling electrostatically generated Magnetoresistance in chiral systems. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Meer, Tim van der (2024) Study of $\Lambda_b^0 \rightarrow \Lambda^0 \; \mu^+ \mu^-$ at low $q^2$. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Merlo, Davide (2024) Measurement of Sea Salt aerosols using an Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Mihalescu, Dragos Nicolae (2024) Computational Modelling of Time-Resolved Microwave Conductivity Measurements on Perovskite Solar Cells. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Mosiej, Matylda (2024) In search of low energy hydrogen ions - an investigation of a Thomson parabola. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Na, Jitae (2024) Effect of Ammonia and Nitrogen Addition to Laminar Ethylene-Air Diffusion Flames on the Absorption Ångström Exponent of Black Carbon. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Nakhooda, Masud (2024) Accurate Calculation of the Effective Electric Field Associated with the eEDM for UN. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Navarčíková, Petra (2024) Coarse-Grained Force Field Optimisation: A Gaussian Process Regression Approach. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Nommensen, Dyan (2024) Determining the Influence of Cooling on the Length of a Vertical Ground Source Heat Exchanger. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Nozaki, Yusei (2024) Optical Switching of Magnetism in Moiré Materials. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Năstase, Maria-Ruxandra (2024) On the Path to Cosmic Web Genesis. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Oijen, Emma van (2024) Testing the Validity of Run 3 LHCb Data Utilising the Λ0b → Λ0J/ψ Decay. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Oruç, Tunay (2024) Integrable Open Quantum Systems. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Palomo, David (2024) Protonation Effect in Electron-Doped LCCO Cuprate via Ionic Liquid Gating. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Panagiotou, Ioannis (2024) Exploring the superposition size and wave packet evolution for a Potential with an Inflection Point. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Pavel, Andreea (2024) Studying the Molecular Mechanism of Vancomycin on Supported Lipid Bilayers using Atomic Force Microscopy. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Perry, Isabella (2024) Large Scale Bias from Relativistic Effects. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Persoon, Djano (2024) The steam methane reforming reaction in a plug-flow reactor simulated; Investigating the steam methane reforming reaction efficiency dependency on the mass flow rate of the gas in a plug-flow reactor with an uneven temperature profile. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Peschl, Lloyd (2024) An investigation into the use of the gamma-gamma coincidence method to suppress background noise. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Peña García, Lucía (2024) Feasibility of Bc+ → tau+ nu_tau search without VELO hits at LHCb. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Ploeckinger, Tobias (2024) Setting an upper limit on the Λb → Λ 0 e +e − branching fraction at low dilepton invariant mass. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Poorter, Lars de (2024) Charged bottlebrush conformation and the relation to bottlebrush- counterion reactions. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Quinn, Aoibhin (2024) Finding Balance: Emissions- and Cost-Analysis for Direct Air Capture Powered by Low-Temperature Geothermal Energy. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Ram, Jordy (2024) Scintillation Light Signal Processing in the Dark Matter XENONnT Experiment. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Romanescu, Flaviu (2024) CMB-S4 Fisher Forecast for Primordial non-Gaussianity. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Rozmarynowicz, Błażej (2024) Is nothing a sphere? Investigating the assumptions of the Alcock-Paczyński test for voids. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Rudek, Amelie (2024) Analysing the Anisotropies of the Gravitational Wave Background with the Boltzmann Equation. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Ruiz Ibáñez, Paula (2024) The structure of the proton; An investigation on its charge and mass radius. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Ruiz Olalla, Lucia (2024) Revealing unique scattering amplitudes from hidden zeros in Tr(ϕ^3) and NLSM Theories. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Sarkar, Prerna (2024) A comparative analysis on Lattice QCD determined decay properties in B+ → tau nu and Bc+ → tau nu. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Schneider, Marike (2024) Numerical analysis of FA0.7MA0.3PbI3 perovskite solar cell degradation by drift-diffusion simulation and bayesian optimisation. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Schwarz, Sidney (2024) Hyperfine Spectroscopy of BaF in combined external electric and magnetic fields by spin precession measurements. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Serafimova, Asya (2024) Numerical Analysis of the Degradation Pathways of Perovskite Solar Cells. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Smeman, Thomas (2024) A measurement of the Hubble Expansion Coefficient using the 21cm power spectrum at high redshift. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Teeffelen, Tamer van (2024) Fluid-Structure Interaction of Artificial Swimmers using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Tsongalis, Neofytos (2024) Computational Calculation of the electron affinity of HfF5-. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Uluçay, Uzay (2024) Carrollian Physics and Scalar Fields. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Umesh, Keerthana (2024) Modelling the delayed single and few electron background in XENONnT. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Vacha, Daniel (2024) Comprehensive study on the effect of DNA intercalating dyes on the mechanical and structural properties of dsDNA. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Vasiliauskaite, Laura (2024) Comparison of the $\Lambda^0_{b} \rightarrow \Lambda^0 \Jpsi$ and $\overbar{\Lambda}^0_{b} \rightarrow \overbar{\Lambda}^0 \Jpsi$ decays at the LHCb experiment. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Vendel, Tim van de (2024) Post-Mortem Investigation of DOM Failures without a Known Cause in the KM3NeT Collaboration. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Verkade, Marcel (2024) Simplifying and replicating the characteristics of proteins. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Vrzáková, Johanna (2024) Rayleigh Scattering in Effective Quantum Field Theory. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Zancanaro, Elena (2024) Calculations of the Casimir Force for Multi-layer Systems: from Isotropic Materials to Topological Insulators. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Zeniou, Anastasios (2024) Computational tool for estimating laser field transmission in a Λ-type medium. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
á Høgabóli, Dávur (2024) On the Integration of the Barlow-Beeston Method in a KM3NeT Neutrino Oscillation Analysis. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.