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Number of items: 75.


Ablahad, D. (2017) Finding an inhibitor of PvdP to treat Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Alhashimi, O. (2017) Influence of fusion proteins (SUMO, MBP, FH8 and pD) on the protein expression and solubility of MICa, MICa-α3 domain and ADAM 17’s pro domain. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Antari, J. (2017) NO assay: een mogelijke methode om de anti-fibrotische activiteit van adiponectine te meten. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Bakker, K.S. (2017) Het gebruik van triptanen en preventieve medicatie bij migraine in Nederland tussen 2006 en 2015. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Bandraz, R. (2017) Welke typen gebruiksadviezen zijn in de SPC’s, GIP’s, bijsluiters en etiketten van de meeste gebruikte geneesmiddelen in Nederland opgenomen en in welke mate komen deze adviezen met elkaar overeen? Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Berends, D. (2017) Synthesis and screening of potential HDAC3 inhibitors. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Bosma, L. (2017) De functie en regulatie van de WNT receptor Frizzled-6 in humane alveolaire epitheelcellen. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Doornhof, K.R. (2017) Binding and stabilization of Human Thiosulfate Sulfurtransferase (TST) by potential activators. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Emmens, W. (2017) Incidence and prevalence of all registered methylphenidate formulations used in The Netherlands between 2005 and 2014. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Fokkens, M. (2017) Inhibitors for the sortase A enzyme. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Folkertsma, T.T. (2017) Het effect van vruchtbaarheidsbehandelingen op het ontwikkelen van atopische aandoeningen bij de nakomelingen: een cohortstudie. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Gunnink, T.J. (2017) The integration of a cantilever check valve in PDMS and Teflon chips. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Gökçe, M. (2017) De betrokkenheid van oxidatieve stress, ER stress, DNA-schade en hypoxie bij het verlies van de viabiliteit van PCKS en het effect van incubatie met SUL-138 op deze stressen. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Haarsma, S.A. (2017) Verificatie van referentiewaarden voor de diagnostiek naar het adrenogenitaal syndroom. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Haddad, S.B.H. (2017) Synthesis and activity of HDAC 3 inhibitors. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Hazelhoff, C.M. (2017) The effect of protein concentration on the composition of the hard protein corona and cellular uptake of silica nanoparticles. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Heeres, X. (2017) Verificatie van kinderreferentiewaardes. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Heij, S. (2017) Een adrenaline-poederinhalator voor de behandeling van een anafylactische shock. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Hesse, M.R. (2017) ORODISPERSIBLE FILMS BASED ON HPMC AND ON PULLULAN TESTED WITH TWO* DIFFERENT ENZYME ACTIVITY ASSAYS *B-Galactosidase activity assay and Alkaline Phosphatase activity assay. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Hijlkema, A.M.A. (2017) VERIFICATIE VAN REFERENTIEWAARDEN: Verifiëren van referentiewaarden voor de hormonen 17-hydroxyprogesteron, androsteendion en testosteron voor kinderen van 0-1 jaar. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Holtland, G. (2017) Effectiviteit van preventieve geneesmiddelen op de verlaging van het triptaan gebruik bij migraine in Noord-Nederland. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Houtsma, D. (2017) Effect of ACE inhibitors on cough and anxiety- and sleeping disorders in hypertensive patients. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Hu, M.A. (2017) Quorum quenching in Acinetobacter baumannii M2 by PvdQ acylase. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Huizinga, H.K. (2017) The influence of IL-4, IL-10 and IL-13 on the expression and the activity of arginase in a human mast cell line. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Hulsbeek, I.R. (2017) THE ARGINASE 1/2 EXPRESSION AND ACTIVITY IN A HUMAN MAST CELL LINE. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Ippen, B.M. (2017) The Effect of TGF-β1 Induced Proliferation of Airway Smooth Muscle Cells on The Expression of A-Kinase Anchoring Protein 8. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Jongsma, P.A. (2017) A series of Multicomponent reactions including Ugi-4CR, Ugi-tetrazole, van Leusen and Orru reactions. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Jousma, M. (2017) Het vaststellen van kinderreferentiewaarden voor het eerste levensjaar voor de diagnostiek en monitoring van het adrenogenitaal syndroom door middel van literatuuronderzoek en verificatie voor drie steroïden door middel van bepalingen in plasma. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Kos, S. (2017) De invloed van WNT5B en oxWNT5B op gen- en eiwitexpressie en het effect van veroudering op dit respons. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Koç, S. (2017) Blauwzuur in de bladeren van de laurierkers. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Kuo, Y. (2017) The effect of ACE inhibitors on anxiety- and sleeping disorders in patients with a prescription for monotherapy antihypertensive medication. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Külahli, M. (2017) Effectiviteit van nieuwe orale anticoagulantia versus vitamine K-antagonisten bij atriumfibrilleren patiënten in de praktijk. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Lim-A-Po, M.L. (2017) PvdP inhibition as a cure against the virulence of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Lubberts, J. (2017) Regulatie en functie van de Frizzled 6 receptor in humane alveolaire epitheelcellen. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.


Mahmoud, T. (2017) Kosteneffectiviteit van het screenen van de Nederlandse bevolking op chronische nierschade. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Mardany, S. (2017) Effectiviteit van nieuwe orale anticoagulantia versus vitamine k antagonist als preventie van herseninfarct bij patiënten met atriumfibrilleren: Observationele inceptiecohort. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Marongiu, S. (2017) Een adrenaline-poederinhalator voor de behandeling van patiënten die een anafylactische shock (dreigen te) ondergaan. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Mayunga, K.C. (2017) Fabrication and optimization of a liquid-liquid extraction chip according to Castell. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Naimi, A. (2017) Improving the dissolution behavior of hydrophobic drugs by preparation of albumin-based solid dispersions using spray freeze drying. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Out, Y.D. (2017) Synthesis of (2-amino-6-chloro-1H-indol-3-yl)(morpholino)methanone derivatives to determine the effect of structural changes on the inhibition of Sortase A. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Papa, N.R. (2017) The Current trend in Methylphenidate formulation prescription patterns in The Netherlands. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Pierik, F.R. (2017) ? Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Posthumus, S. (2017) Optimization of an immunoassay for the detection of tobramycin using magnetic particles. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Postma, L.G.M. (2017) Participation of four stress pathways during PCKS incubation. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Sabajo, S.A. (2017) Development of a magnetic particle-based immunoassay for the detection of aminoglycoside. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Samandarpour, A. (2017) The potential of albumin based solid dispersions to enhance the dissolution behavior of hydrophobic drugs. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Schneider, H. (2017) De bepaling van stikstofoxide productie om het anti-fibrotische effect van Adiponectine op humane hepatische stellaatcellijnen te bepalen. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Seghier, S. (2017) Design, Synthesis and Activity of HDAC Inhibitors. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Sharifi, M. (2017) Purification of the 4-OT mutants and their catalytic properties towards the Michael-type addition of acetaldehyde to BIPM and nitroolefins. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Sikking, C. (2017) Trends in antibioticagebruik van 2006 tot 2015 in Noord- en Oost-Nederland. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Smits, S.E. (2017) The effect of laminin α4 and laminin α5 on inflammation and remodeling in asthma. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Snackers, F. (2017) The Effect of TGF-β1 Stimulation on The Expression of A-Kinase Anchoring Protein 8 in Airway Smooth Muscle Cells. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Stoffers, S. (2017) Bepaling van waterstofcyanide in laurierkersblad. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Veldsink, A.C. (2017) WNT-5B and oxidized WNT-5B mediated gene and protein expression and the effect of ageing on this response. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Verzijde, L.R. (2017) Het gebruik van triptanen en preventieve medicatie bij migraine in Nederland tussen 2006 en 2015. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Wakker, M. (2017) Quorum quenching activity of PvdQ acylase on N-(3-hydroxydodecanoyl)-L-homoserine lactone produced by Acinetobacter baumannii M2. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Westendorp, N. (2017) From gene to crystal: the way to crystallization of truncated Arabidopsis thaliana 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate synthase, truncated Mycobacterium tuberculosis 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate synthase and Plasmodium falciparum ribose-phosphate diphosphokinase. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Wiersem, N.S. (2017) Potential role for an imbalance between airway smooth muscle laminin α4 and α5 expression in asthma. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

Zillen, D. (2017) Activity of stress-response specific transcription factors HIF1, ATF4, NRF2 and p53 during PCKS incubation. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

de Boer, J. (2017) Fabrication of microfluidic devices in Teflon. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

de Jong, T.A. (2017) Production and purification of menin for crystallisation, microscale thermophoresis and fishing. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

in het Veld, E.A. (2017) Effect of the fusion proteins SUMO, MBP _FH8, FH8 and pD on the protein expression and solubility of MICa, MICa-α3 or ProADAM17. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

te Gussinklo, O.N.C. (2017) Cost-effectiveness analysis of the nonavalent HPV vaccine: is this vaccine cost-effective for the Netherlands compared to the bivalent vaccine? Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

te Riele, T.M. (2017) Purification and catalytic properties of the Michael-type addition reaction of the 4-OT mutants L8Y and L8Y-D32G. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

ten Broek, L. (2017) Kosteneffectiviteitsanalyse van screening van de algehele bevolking op geschatte glomerulaire filtratiesnelheid om progressie van chronische nierschade en het ontwikkelen van hart- en vaatziekten te verminderen in Nederland. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.


van Boven, J.M.A. (2017) Cost-effectiveness analysis of the nonavalent HPV-vaccine in the Netherlands. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

van Hoek, A. (2017) Synthesis of an arginase inhibitor using the Ugi-tetrazole reaction. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

van de Bruinhorst, H. (2017) Gebruiksinstructies in de SmPC: zijn ze duidelijk en wetenschappelijk onderbouwd? Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

van der Linden, I.J. (2017) Stress pathways in precision cut kidney slices. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.


van der Slijk, M. (2017) Epoxy resin as a stamp for hot-embossing. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

van der Velde, A.C. (2017) Trends in het voorschrijven van antibiotica tussen 2006 en 2015. Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

von Kreijfelt, G. (2017) ? Bachelor's Project, Pharmacy.

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 11:57:09 2025 CET.