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Number of items: 73.


Appeldoorn, J. (2015) Association of P-glycoprotein on serotonin transporter occupancy and clinical response after six weeks of paroxetine treatment. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.


Bakhtiari, Y. (2015) Association of aggression-related traits and hormone levels with rs6318 SNP in the HTR2C gene. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Bakker, V. (2015) Development of a Dried Blood Spot method for analysis of uracil and its metabolite dihydrouracil for the purpose of DPD-deficiency. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Bakker, W. (2015) Retrospective evaluation of teicoplanin loading dose and trough concentration during the early phase of treatment. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Begari, S. (2015) Adequate surveillance van QTc-interval verlenging met beslissings ondersteunende software. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Begeman, A. (2015) Pulmonary function in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Boonstra, J. (2015) Fluconazole for the treatment of Invasive Candidiasis. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Breg, N. (2015) Preliminary studies on a sustained release polymer for the anti-fibrotic compound Fibroferon. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Broer, L. (2015) Autophagy in Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis: Is autophagy altered in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with severe alcoholic liver cirrhosis? Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Broesder, A. (2015) Development of microspheres for the prolonged release of the model protein HSA. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Brouwer, C. (2015) Kosten van het Optimaliseren van Voorgeschreven Geneesmiddelen in een Verpleeghuissetting, middels een Medicatiereview. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Bruin, M. (2015) Influences of sex hormones on the glucocorticoid response in the airway epithelial cells. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.


Deen, C. (2015) Development of a semi-quantitative method for urinary screening for bile acid biosynthesis defects using flow-injection ESI-MS/MS. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Driever, E.G. (2015) Viability and functionality of co-cultures of human iPS derived endothelial cells with hepatocytes and Kupffer cells on 3D structure scaffolds in the Liver Chip. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Dunnewind, T. (2015) Economic consequences and potentially preventable costs related to osteoporosis in the Netherlands. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Dura, S. (2015) The overall survival of Polycythemia Vera patients; A population – based research. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

de Jager, S. (2015) Response rate, totale overleving, falen van de therapie en bijwerkingen van azacitidine bij patiënten met het Myelodysplastisch Syndroom. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.


Ensink, E. (2015) Medicatiereviewsin de DIM-NHR-studie. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Eshoo, S.M.Y. (2015) Patients’ involvement in Clinical Medication Reviews. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

el Mathari, M. (2015) Cost-effectiveness Difference between Adjuvant and Metastatic Trastuzumab Treatment in the Netherlands. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.


Haak, A. (2015) RANK/RANKL/OPG Axis in Fibrosis. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Hemelt, E. (2015) Nutritional status of fatty acids, vitamin B12 and vitamin D in plasma and breast-milk of lactating women in three regions in Vietnam and in Malaysia. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Hemminga, W.L. (2015) Nutritional Status for the Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and the Vitamins D, A, E and B12 of the Maternal Plasma and Human Milk of Lactating Women from three different Regions of Vietnam. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Hilbrants, S. (2015) Anti-Xa activiteit na dosis reductie van therapeutische nadroparine in patiënten met een nierfunctiestoornis bij het toepassen van de doseringsrichtlijnen van de Nederlandse federatie voor Nefrologie. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Hoekstra, H. (2015) The development of an orodispersible film containing hydrochlorothiazide, sildenafil or amiodarone. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Hooghiemstra, W. (2015) The effects of HDAC1-3 inhibition on inflammatory responses and the localization of HDACs. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Hummels, H.H. (2015) The paracrine effect of primary human hepatic stellate cells on hepatocellular carcinoma. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.


Jansman, T. (2015) Targeting drugs to the fi-brotic liver: Studying the synthesis and PDGFR affinity of pPB functionalized proteins and nanoparticles. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Janssen, E. (2015) The inflammatory effects of α-amylase/trypsin inhibitors on precision-cut intestinal slices. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.


Klaver, E. (2015) Improvement of the bronchial provocation test Osmohale. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Koning, H. (2015) Succesvol Stoppen van Medicatie bij Verpleeghuisbewoners. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Koops, J. (2015) The role of Follistatin-Like 1 in COPD and lung development. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.


Lanting, P. (2015) Een PK/PD studie van metformine in patiënten zonder diabetes na het doormaken van een ST-segment elevatie myocard infarct. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Leferink, T. (2015) Altered Protein Expression and Mitochondrial Dynamics in Atrial Fibrillation Pathology. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Linnemann, K. (2015) Prevalence and variability of albuminuria in children. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.


Mahmoodi, Z. (2015) Kwantificering van risicosituaties in patiënten met antitrombotische medicatie in een groot perifeer opleidingsziekenhuis. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Maillie, B. (2015) The role of TRAP in asthma. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Makineli, Tugba (2015) Off-label gebruik antipsychotica bij kinderen en jong volwassenen: een retrospectieve audit. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Meijer, L. (2015) hemodialysis (?). Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Mulder, K. (2015) Clinical validation of Dried Blood Spot of the antiepileptic drugs Carbamazepine, Lamotrigine and Levetiracetam. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.


Niburg, V. (2015) The role of Follistatin-like 1 in inflammatory cytokine release from human lung fibroblasts and airway smooth muscle cells. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Nijstad, A.L. (2015) effect of acute and chronic amphetamine administration on d2-receptors, μ-opioid receptors and tspo in rat brain: an autoradiography study. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.


Oude Luttikhuis, K. (2015) Associatie workarounds en medicatietoedienfouten bij gebruik van Bar Code Assisted Medication Administration (BCMA). Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.


Perik, M. (2015) Correlaties tussen verschillende berekeningen van de Drug Burden Index en de cognitieve functie: een cross-sectioneel onderzoek. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Poelman, H.H. (2015) LOCKING LOX Finding New Potent Inhibitors for human 15-Lipoxygenase 1. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Poelman, H.H. (2015) Optimization of methacholine for challenge testing with the Twincer DPI. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Pontjodikromo, J.G. (2015) Development of IRDye 800CW-Labeled Atezolizumab for Optical Imaging. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.


Roorda, L. (2015) Ontwikkelen van een Individueel Farmacotherapeutisch Behandelplan voor de Patiënt met lage gezondheidsvaardigheden. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.


Saglam, Sultan (2015) Tevredenheid van Turkse ouderen over Eerste uitgifte gesprek. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Schueler, Ivo (2015) The synthesis of leaving group-bearing N-methylated guanidine derivatives. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Sebek, L. (2015) The functional role of WNT-5B in the decreased production of decorin in COPD. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Slegtenhorst, Ralph (2015) The molecular regulation of WNT-5A in airway smooth muscle cells. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Stel, M. (2015) The role of OPG in Fibrosis. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.


Tuin, T. (2015) Stability of trastuzumab labeled with near-infrared fluorescence dye 800CW. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

te Hofste, R. (2015) Improving the bioconversion of deoxypodophyllotoxin to epi-podophyllotoxin by E. coli cells expressing human cytochrome P450 3A4 and P450 reductase. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.


Vardar, S. (2015) Antipsychotic use and school performance among primary school children: a descriptive study. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Veneberg, J. (2015) Het effect van bisfosfonaten en calcium/vitamine D supplementen op de botmineraaldichtheid (BMD) bij patiënten met ankyloserende spondylitis (AS). Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Verschueren, M. (2015) Is MAGL inhibition anti-fibrotic by targeting macrophage autophagy? Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Vos, A. (2015) Matrix comparison of sertraline in plasma, human breast milk and DBS, including first results of M/P ratios and AID of sertraline in a study of antidepressants in human breast milk. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Vrijkorte, E. (2015) the potential of Metformin as an agent in ameliorating gentamicin- and tobramycin—induced nephrotoxicity and the identification of risk factors Associated with this nephrotoxicity. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

van Basten, B. (2015) The role of cAMP in cigarette smoke induced alterations on inflammation and remodeling in human airways. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

van Norel, H.E. (2015) Moleculair practical Master Project. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

van Oijen, M. (2015) Metoprololonderzoek: Wat is de invloed van gastric bypass chirurgie op de biologische beschikbaarheid van een metoprololtablet met directe afgifte en gereguleerde afgifte? Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

van Raaij, J. (2015) Imaging the dynamics of EGFR and c-MET. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

van Wattum, J.J. (2015) Flow cytometric Subclonic and Minimal Residual Disease analysis in acute myeloid leukemia. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

van de Schootbrugge, S.A.G.M. (2015) Sikkelcelanemie. 
Verbetering van de hemolytische- en 
vaso-occlusieve componenten door middel van voedingssupplementen; een gerandomiseerde pilotstudie. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

van der Galiën, R. (2015) Intra- and interindividual variability in multiple risk marker responses during RAAS blockade. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

van der Kooij, R. (2015) The mechanism behind the second release pulse of physically mixed polymer compacts. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

van der Pol, S. (2015) Economic Evaluation of LCZ696 Compared to Enalapril for Heart Failure Patients in the Netherlands. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

van der Zee, M. (2015) Exploration of the mechanism of toxicity of metallo-drugs using Precision-Cut Tissue Slices. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.


Waalewijn, H. (2015) Development of a microfluidic platform for the incubation of HepG2 cells and PCLS as a benchmark tool for new bioartificial livers. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

Wijnne, J.A. (2015) A study of antidepressants in human breast milk: Pharmacokinetics and analytical aspects of sertraline. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.


Çiçek, R. (2015) Methylphenidate use and School Performance Among Primary School Children: A Descriptive Study. Master's Thesis / Essay, Pharmacy.

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