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Number of items: 39.


Baan, Patrick (2021) Variability in morphology of plants and seed characteristics of Acacia caven between populations from Chile and Argentina. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Baas, Koenraad (2021) Comparing aggressiveness in male and female blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus): Repeatability and the effects of intruder sex and song presence. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Bansal, Vidisha (2021) Effects of sulphur deficiency on different properties of flowers. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Belfin, Ondrej (2021) Vocalizations of Black-tailed Godwit. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Boccarella, Giorgio (2021) Evolutionary causes and consequences of learning. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Boer, Arjen de (2021) Phenotypic traits not associated with territory quality in blue tits. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Bosch, Manuel, van den (2021) The cultural evolution of social inequality: How does inequality spread within and between groups? Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Bosma, Lies (2021) Advancement of arrival in the pied flycatcher; between and within individual variation in wing length and age. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.


Davis, E. Elisa (2021) Islands all at sea: a methodological framework for detecting and developing marine island study systems for island biogeography. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.


Fele, Marco (2021) The implications of the evolution of vigilance on predator prey population dynamics. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.


Giagnisi, Eleftheria (2021) Tracing the evolutionary paths of same-sex sexual behavior in animals. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Groot, Hilbert de (2021) Modelling and visualizing the effects of large herbivores on landscape heterogeneity in grassland ecosystems. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.


Haar, Stefan ter (2021) Sex ratios and mating behaviour of the housefly, Musca domestica. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Heuvel, Krissie van den (2021) The response of ungulates to novel wolf presence in human dominated landscapes. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.


Jansen, Heleen (2021) The return of the wolf. HOW ‘PATCHES OF FEAR’ AFFECT RED DEER AND WILD BOAR BEHAVIOUR; A SPATIAL ANALYSIS. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Jiménez Ochoa, Sofía (2021) The role of Transposable Elements in Sex Chromosome Evolution of the Housefly. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.


Kawam, Ben (2021) Effects of predation cues on personality in three-spined sticklebacks. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Kimaro, Michael (2021) Spatial and temporal comparisons of wildlife and vegetation between the Serengeti National Park and the adjacent village lands. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Kourmadas, Alexander (2021) Gene Duplication and the Evolution of Cell Type Specific Gene Expression in Drosophila. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Kwakernaak, C (2021) Ragwormss limit eelgrasss seedling settlement: Implications for seed-based restoration. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.


Lamarque, François (2021) The influence of early-life conditions on individual functioning in social networks. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.


Mai, Thu Si Nguyen (2021) Impact of metabolic plasticity on microbial community diversity and stability. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.


Olst, Annemarie van (2021) The effect of management, landscape, economics and legislation on biodiversity in an agricultural landscape - A comparative study between the Netherlands and Germany. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Otte, Pieter (2021) Habitat selection of beech martens (Martes foina) in relation to prey availability and habitat characteristics in an agricultural landscape. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.


Petrucci, Giovanni (2021) Selection for increased protandry in Musca domestica. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Porras Alvarez, Niccole (2021) A neural network model for cultural evolution. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.


Rao, Pradyut (2021) Influence of colour rings on assortative mating and fitness in the Seychelles warbler ( Acrocephalus sechellensis). Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Riemens, L (2021) The effect of interspecific competition on the provisioning rate to the nestlings of the sedge warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) during the breeding season. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.


Salazar de Dios, Afra Nadyesda (2021) Plasmid dynamics in bacterial communities. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Schlatmann, Alexander (2021) No evidence for olfactory kin discrimination in begging blue tit nestlings. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Seljee, Ferdi Coen (2021) Habitat use of beech martens Martes foina in relation to meadowbird conservation practices in the Netherlands. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Singh, Aakanksha (2021) Estimating the micro-indel mutation rate in Plasmodium falciparum using genomes from mutation accumulation experiments. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Slettenhaar, Annabel (2021) The relationship between territorial aggressiveness and the components of male reproductive success in blue tits. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Stamp, Megan (2021) Dietary analyses of adult Pied Flycatchers using DNA metabarcoding. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.


Veldhuis, Tom (2021) Mixed signals: Optical effects of deceptive signaling in the Ophrys orchid genus. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Venderbos, Rob (2021) Agricultural intensification leads to larger earthworm abundance, but smaller individuals. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Viglezio, Tessa Bianca Sonya (2021) Wing moult in Barnacle Geese following earlier springs in the Arctic. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

Voet, Julian (2021) (Re)construction of the Marker Wadden: an example of applying land reclamation for nature restoration. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.


Zieverink, Lousan (2021) The honeybee (Apis mellifera) as disease detector. Master's Research Project 1, Ecology and Evolution.

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 11:58:06 2025 CET.