Items where Year is 2002
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Alberts, R. (2002) Nets In Space, Spatial Design of a Modular Neural Network by Reconfiguration of an FPGA. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Aupers, W. (2002) A developmental approach for pre-orientation in humanoid robots. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.
Baron W.J. (2002) Real-Time Camera-Based OCR. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.
Beek, P. (2002) Effects of cattle grazing on food patch choice of brown hares on the salt marsh of Schiermonnikoog. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.
Boer, G. de (2002) Ontologieën en teamvorming in multi-agent systems. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.
Boersma, M. (2002) Construction of infinite families of quadratic number fields with class number divisible by certain primes. Master's Thesis / Essay, Mathematics.
Boschker, B.R. (2002) A Requirements Analysis Method for the Evaluation and Selection of Concurrency Constructs. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Bosman, D. (2002) Radar Image Fusion and Target Tracking. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Brouwer, M. (2002) Effects of water type on sphagum growth. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.
Brouwer, M. (2002) Sorting the mandibular teeth of sheep from goat: The identification of sheep and goat on the basis of Neolithic dental material from eastern Syria. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.
Bruin, W. de (2002) Adaptiviteit in tekstverwerking. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.
Caat, M. ten (2002) Numerical simulation of incompressible two-phase flow. Master's Thesis / Essay, Mathematics.
De Raedt, K. (2002) Calculating the Overlay of Connected Subdivisions On a Sphere Using a Planar Overlay Algorithm. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Doggen, N. (2002) Plaque formation in the carotid bifurcation - a numerical study. Master's Thesis / Essay, Mathematics.
Douma, F. (2002) Kwartetten. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.
Druiven, S. (2002) Knowledge development in games of imperfect information. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.
Eikelboom, A. (2002) Informatievere alarmen in de anesthesie. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.
Etten, J.P.C van (2002) Bane d'Arguin a Nursery for fish species. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.
Fehrmann, R.S.N. (2002) Cognitive navigation modeling in robots. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.
Fruchnich, S. (2002) Het managen van impliciete kennis. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Gelder, S. van (2002) Genetic Tuning. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.
Gort.F. and Honselaar, C. (2002) Timbre segregation and recognition in a model of the auditory system based on associative relaxation oscillator networks. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.
Górska, M. (2002) Numerical modelling of a voice-producing element. Master's Thesis / Essay, Mathematics.
Heuermann, N. (2002) Experimentally testing foraging preferences with captive brent and barnacle geese. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.
Honselaar, C. and Gort, F. (2002) Timbre segregation and recognition in a model of the auditory system based on associative relaxation oscillator networks. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Jansen, A. (2002) Feature based composition. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Koomen, J. (2002) The relation between pro-activity and environmental structure in autonomous behavior. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.
Kootstra, G. (2002) Selection of Landmarks for Visual Landmark Navigation. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.
Kremer, A. (2002) Coupling of computer models for aircraft cabin and temperature controller. Master's Thesis / Essay, Mathematics.
Minderman, J. and Mullers, R. (2002) Competition and facilitation between two herbivores on a temperate salt marsh. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.
Mourik, S. van (2002) Numerical modelling of the dynamic contact angle. Master's Thesis / Essay, Mathematics.
Niet, A. de (2002) Step-size control and corrector methods in numerical continuation of ocean circulation and fill-reducing orderings in multilevel ILU methods. Master's Thesis / Essay, Mathematics.
Nijmeijer, A.K. (2002) Retrieving information from job postings. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Oorburg, R. (2002) Automatische classificatie van marineschepen met behulp van een beslissingsboom. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Opmeer, M. (2002) Discrete-time LQG-balancing in infinite dimensions. Master's Thesis / Essay, Mathematics.
Polo Blanco, I. (2002) Regular polytopes: symmetry groups and 3D-sections by Alicia Boole Stott. Master's Thesis / Essay, Mathematics.
Salverda, J. (2002) RFI mitigation within the LOFAR radio telescope. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Schaffmeister, B.E. (2002) The Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania, as nursery for shrimps. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.
Sierdsma, F. (2002) Remote sensing and DMS. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.
Visser, G. (2002) Delayed Art. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.
Vlas, M. de (2002) The role of insect visitors of Glechoma hederacea (Lamiaceae) and Anthriscus sylvestris (Umbelliferae) as pollinators. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.
Vrieling, J.H. (2002) Meting van rijgedrag op de gerenoveerde Zeelandbrug. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.
Vries, A.B. de (2002) Oppervlaktewaterzuivering door kwelders in Nederland. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.
Vries, A.S. de (2002) 'Moderne wiskunde' verfilmd? Master's Thesis / Essay, Mathematics.
Wennekes, J.W. (2002) Bounded Rationality in Communication. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.
Wolferink, C. (2002) Een Zelflerend Systeem voor het Ontdekken van Ongewoon Gedrag binnen een Toegangssysteem. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.
Zedde, R. van de (2002) Biologically inspired gaze stabilization. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.
Zondervan, K. (2002) Cognitief modelleren met behulp van representational redescription. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.
Zwerver, P. (2002) Digitale verslaglegging in de OK. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.