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Bennink, J. (1995) Introduction of a Development with reuse model into the development method of HBB automatisering. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Boorsma, E. (1995) Convertoren. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Bos, V. (1995) AFSK-D: A Specification language with object-oriented state-based semantics. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Brouwer, H.P. (1995) Fuzzy merging techniques for creating 3D models of the spine. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Carton, R.A. and Pruis, M. (1995) SIX : Expertsysteem voor de kwalitatieve analyse van het papierfabricageproces. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Dam, R. van (1995) Kennistechnologie bij de productgroep TSL, een heroverweging. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Dijkstra, W. (1995) Optimalisatie van runtime checks. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Engelsman, E. (1995) Building TEMPLES on ICE. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Holwerda, A.R. (1995) Een commando shell in een functionele taal. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Holwerda, A.R. (1995) Een commando shell in een functionele taal. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Kuiper, B. (1995) Neurale netwerken in expertsystemen. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Mallon, W.C. (1995) Contraction based proof methods for a delay-insensitive algebra. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Meer, R.K. van der (1995) Planmate. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Messchendorp. K. (1995) Constructie van de tangent visibility graaf. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Motie, A. (1995) Eikelenboom transport scheduling. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Nankman, M.A. (1995) A Reference model for open distributed storage architectures. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Nijdam, A. (1995) Rehearsal incorporated. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Noorda, C.M. (1995) MIS voor "woonhuis & recreatie" ontwerp en implementatie. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Oranje.B. (1995) Oranje springt op groen : een onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden van GIS-ondersteund beheer bij de afdeling CCTW van de gemeente Groningen. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Poppinga, G. (1995) Texture segmentation and its application to road tracking. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Schreiner, M.J. (1995) A replication mechanism for open distributed processing. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Smit, V. (1995) The design and implementation of an HTML editor. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Tillema, B. (1995) ORACLE en SYBASE : een vergelijking. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.
Wierenga, K.J. (1995) Parallelisering NaS/RVS visualiser. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.