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Number of items: 104.


Alali, Hadil (2018) Modellering van intraveneuze toediening van geneesmiddelen. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Aldarij, Nuhoda (2018) A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, single-centre phase IIb trial to assess the immunogenicity and safety of different formulations and dosing regimens of FLU-v vaccine administered subcutaneously in healthy adults aged 18-60 years. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Alheraky, Abdulrazzaq (2018) The Immunophenotype of Mast Cells. The search for Diagnostic & Prognostic Features within Systemic Mastocytosis. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Annema, Pieter (2018) Development and execution of a standard procedure for y-site compatibility analysis of intravenous drugs used in the intensive care unit of the University Medical Center Groningen. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Antari, Jessie-Ann (2018) Mitochondrial function and lipid composition of isolated mitochondria: a pilot study in aging mice. Research Project, Pharmacy.


Bawary, Wasiq (2018) A Comparative In-vitro Evaluation of Five Antistatic Valved Holding Chambers. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Benmhammed, Faisal (2018) The search for a new synthesis of 2-nitro-3-thiopheneamines for KDAC class I inhibition. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Blaauwhof, Alexis (2018) The prescription trends of ADHD drug use and concomitant pharmacotherapy of psychotropic medications in Dutch children and adolescents. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Boer, Jan de (2018) Data analysis and cost-effectiveness study for the screening of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the Dutch population. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Boosman, Rene (2018) Effect of thyroid hormone on the fibrotic response of hepatic stellate cells. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Bosma, Lisette (2018) Pilot studies on the specific delivery of the protein Klotho to vascular smooth muscle cells using the PDGF beta receptor to prevent dedifferentiation of the cells. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Boven, Jules van (2018) Technical report for Burosumab. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Buitenwerf, Navin (2018) Improving the bioavailability of poorly water soluble drugs using albumin based solid dispersions. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Bukkems, Laura (2018) The impact of low serum albumin levels on gentamicin peak concentrations (Cmax) in critically ill patients: a validation study. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Bulut, Damla (2018) Technical report of the Budget Impact Analysis of Entegrion VCM in Liver Transplantation. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Buurman, Engelina Gezina (2018) Adherence of patients in Friesland (the Netherlands) who use oral therapy as a treatment of multiple myeloma; a qualitative study. Research Project, Pharmacy.


Cakic, Ariana (2018) Characterising and Optimising in vitro conditions of Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Primitive Alveolar-Like Macrophages. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Campmans, Zizi (2018) Non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation. Research Project, Pharmacy.


Diekmann, Dierk Benno Frieder (2018) Patterns in Pharmaceutical Management of Blood Pressure, Lipids and Glucose: A Descriptive Drug Utilization Study. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Diesveld, Maaike (2018) Elucidating the synergistic effect of tiotropium and corticosteroids. Research Project, Pharmacy.


Eikelboom, Daniëlle (2018) Relative effectiveness of antihypertensive single drug compounds in primary prevention of cardiovascular events. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Erceg, Stefani (2018) Novel arginase inhibitors for the treatment of allergic asthma. Research Project, Pharmacy.


Ferwerda, DeeDee (2018) Voorschrijven van medicatie in relatie tot de nierfunctie. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Fokkens, Marieke (2018) Towards improved soluble and active inhibitors of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor. Research Project, Pharmacy.

From, Jens (2018) Het effect van de aanpassing van de therapeutische INR range op het optreden van bloedingen en trombo-embolische complicaties. Research Project, Pharmacy.


Gunnink, Thom (2018) Doseringsaanpassingen bij nierfunctiestoornissen. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Gökçe, Mükerrem (2018) QT-prolonging drugs and the risk of sudden cardiac arrest in the general population: A case-control study from the AmsteRdam Resuscitation STudy (ARREST) registry. Research Project, Pharmacy.


Haarsma, Suzanne (2018) Kwantificering van risicofactoren- en situaties van patiënten die tijdens ziekenhuisopname worden behandeld met antistollingstherapie. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Haddad, Shahrazad (2018) The psychological aspects of using epinephrine auto-injectors. Research Project, Pharmacy.

He, Anna (2018) A cost-effectiveness study of Dried Blood Spot sampling. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Hedemann, Arvid (2018) The association between proton pump inhibitor use and developing iron deficiency. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Hoek, Amanda van (2018) The implementation of pre-emptive pharmacogenomic (PGx) testing in outpatient clinics of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG): A preliminary analysis on practical barriers and success factors in the Dutch hospital health care. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Hogenhuis, Florentine (2018) Introducing a full National Immunization Program for the Elderly in the Netherlands. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Hoogland, Jitske (2018) Efficacy of a predefined vitamin D dosing regimen in vitamin D-insufficient multiple myeloma patients. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Hospes, Berber (2018) oversuppresion of the immunesystem in the treatment of renal transplant patients with tacrolimus. 'less is more'. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Houtsma, Daphne (2018) Predictors of non-adherence to anti-tuberculosis treatment among adult patients with drug-susceptible tuberculosis in the Netherlands: a retrospective inception cohort study. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Huijgen, Nicole (2018) Het in kaart brengen en vergelijken van Nederlandse ziekenhuisprotocollen betreffende geneesmiddelgebruik rondom de partus en voorzorgsmaatregelen voor de pasgeborene. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Huizinga, Henrik (2018) Granulin: A novel player in the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis? Research Project, Pharmacy.


Isufi, Valmira (2018) The preparation of the Cyclops inhaler by patients with Parkinson's disease. Research Project, Pharmacy.


Jacobs, Niels (2018) Cost-effectiveness of quadrivalent inactivated influenza vaccines compared to trivalent vaccines. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Jansen, Anouk (2018) Monitoring Outcomes of Psychiatric Pharmacotherapy in Institutionalised Elderly Patients in the Assen Region. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Jongsma, Pascal (2018) Formulation of an adrenaline dry powder inhaler for the treatment/prevention of anaphylaxis. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Joosten, Marc (2018) Optimizing and validating an antibody-free SCX-SPE LC-MS method to quantify endogenous sRAGE in human serum. Research Project, Pharmacy.


Kamps, Gerjanne (2018) The effect of the use of antidepressants and antipsychotics on the development of gestational diabetes: a population-based cohort study. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Khachaturyan, Naira (2018) Analyzing biological activity and affinity of RANKL mutants in respect to RANK/OPG receptors. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Klaassen, Robbin (2018) The Effects of Co-exposure to Diesel Exhaust and Allergen on Macrophages in Bronchoalveolar Lavage of Healthy and Mild-asthmatic Individuals. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Klever, Job (2018) Storage Stability of Lysozyme in Trehalose Pullulan Orodispersible Films and Application of Sugar Glasses based on New Oligosaccharides for the Stabilisation of BetaGalactosidase during Freeze Drying and Storage. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Kloezen, Martijn (2018) Pulmonary delivery of spray dried isoniazid, coated with trileucine. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Kloppenburg, Rudolf (2018) Formulation of an orodispesible film containing levodopa and carbidopa for late state Parkinson patients. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Kluft, Iris (2018) 89Zr and fluorescent labeling of bispecific T cell-engaging antibody ERY974 targeting Glypican-3 for molecular imaging in vivo. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Kortekaas, Rosa (2018) The influence of retinoic acid signaling, HDAC inhibition, FGFs and the pro-fibrotic TGFβ on pulmonary regeneration. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Kroes, Hans (2018) Vitamine D and peripheral neuropathy in multiple myeloma patients. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Kulahli, meryem (2018) Sex-based differences in prescribed drugs and adverse drug reactions in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Research Project, Pharmacy.


Last, Theo (2018) Cost-effectiveness modelling in metastatic breast cancer. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Ledeboer, Hendrik (2018) Quantification of the internalization process of β2-adrenergic receptor in human bronchial epithelial cells. Research Project, Pharmacy.


Mahmoud, Tara (2018) A comparative pilot study on patient satisfaction about pharmacy feedback with usual care versus usual care with MEMS. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Mardany, Soheila (2018) Impact of serotonin 5HT2C receptor antagonism on the risk of new-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus among antidepressant users: A case-control study. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Mayunga, Clara (2018) Iodine status of pregnant women in Groningen. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Metzlar, Niek (2018) Method development for the quantification of 68Ga-PSMA-11 and identification of any formed metabolites in human plasma. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Mulder, Nathaniël (2018) Depression; a study on possible genotypes and biomarkers. Research Project, Pharmacy.


Nabuurs, Anke (2018) Enhancing the natural inhibitory activity of the prodomain of ADAM17 on ectodomain shedding. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Nugteren, Lonneke (2018) The role of cyclic adenosine monophosphate in pancreatitis and early pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma related processes (a preliminary study). Research Project, Pharmacy.


Pals, Mathijs (2018) Development and characterization of fluorescent turn-on probes for the detection of human 15-lipoxygenase-1 activity. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Paulissen, Jeroen (2018) Respiratory syncytial virus; a preliminary study to assess the cost-effectivenss of a hypothetical rsv vaccine in the netherlands and the united kingdom. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Pierik, Esther (2018) Assessment of contraceptive use and counseling regarding contraceptives and pregnancy in women after bariatric surgery. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Pierik, Frank (2018) An Evidenced-based Assessment of Necessity for Drug Intervention Following Bariatric Surgery According to two groups of Clinical Pharmacologists. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Post, Adrian (2018) Tubular sulfate handling: Increased sulfate reabsorption associates with poor survival in renal transplant recipients. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Post, Anke Willemijn (2018) Formulation of modified-release tablets of hydrocortisone, the first steps towards an improved delivery system. Research Project, Pharmacy.


Rollema, Corine (2018) The quality of administration of intranasal corticosteroid sprays. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Russel, Stefan Alfred Hendrik (2018) Precision-cut kidney slices as a model for acute kidney injury. Research Project, Pharmacy.


Scholtens, Petra (2018) Vitamine D status en perifere neuropathie bij patiënten met multipel myeloom. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Schouw, Hugo (2018) A modafinil dry powder inhaler for treatment of decreased wakefulness. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Seekles, Lars (2018) Explore the insight of IL17A inhibitors in treatment of Rheumatic Arthritis. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Sen, Taha (2018) SGLT2 inhibition is associated with the stabilisation of the progression of kidney function decline in type 2 diabetic patients. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Senturk, Enes (2018) Therapeutic Drug Monitoring with Dried Blood Spots in patients with Tuberculosis. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Slijk, Mark van der (2018) A feasibility study of linezolid for pulmonary delivery. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Soellaart, Mara (2018) Comparison of the mammalian and the E.coli expression sytem for the production of sTRAIL and its mutant DHER. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Soemopawiro, Robin (2018) Development and use of a sandwich ELISA assay to determine if deamidation occurs for Trastuzumab in Human Plasma. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Sowma, Mikhael (2018) A study in the uptake mechanism of the liposomes DOPG and DOPC in HeLa cells. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Sowma, Mikhael (2018) A study in the uptake mechanism of the liposomes DOPG/cholesterol and DOPC/cholesterol in HeLa cells. Research Project, Pharmacy.

sharifi, masih (2018) Exploring promiscuous activity of 4-Oxalocrotonate tautomerase on Carbon-Carbon bond-forming reactions. Research Project, Pharmacy.


Tran, Thuy (2018) Toxicity of nanoparticles in phagocytic versus non-phagocytic cells. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Tromp, Maike (2018) The relation between hormone treatment and congenital heart defects in infants conceived by assisted reproduction including IVF and IVF-ICSI. Research Project, Pharmacy.


Valk, Lotte (2018) Kwantificering van risicofactoren en -situaties tijdens ziekenhuisopname van patiënten die antistollingstherapie gebruiken. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Van Galen, Gydo (2018) Cost-effectiveness of intranasal esketamine for treatment of treatment-resistant major depressive disorder in the Netherlands. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Veld, Alien (2018) Defining an association between asthma and autoimmune diseases and between diabetes and autoimmune diseases: is there a link? Research Project, Pharmacy.

Veld, Nienke (2018) Verminderen van anticholinerge en sederende medicatie: vanuit het oogpunt van ouderen. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Velde, Anne Carlijn van der (2018) Een prospectieve observationele studie om de prevalentie van potentieel inadequaat medicatiegebruik (PIM) en potentieel ontbrekende medicatie (POM) bij oudere oncologie-patiënten te bepalen. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Verkleij, Lars (2018) The influence of Rolipram on cigarette smoke exposed lung organoid formation via the cAMP pathway. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Verwoerd, Jeroen (2018) Formulation development of a stable freeze-dried pre-fusion F protein powder suitable for a core-shell implant with a biphasic pulsatile release profile. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Verzijde, Lisa (2018) Interventies die de therapietrouw van inhalatiemedicatie bij astma en COPD patiënten verbeteren. Een systematisch literatuurreview. Research Project, Pharmacy.

van Steenwijk, Hidde (2018) Mechanisms of hepatotoxicity of tetrakis(hydroxymethyl) phosphonium sulphate and trishydroxymethylphosphine. Research Project, Pharmacy.

van Winkel, Claudia (2018) CRAd with capsid incorporated mesothelin for higher anti-tumor immunization. Research Project, Pharmacy.

van den Elsen, Simone (2018) Potentials for salivary therapeutic drug monitoring of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Research Project, Pharmacy.

van der Meer, Nathalie (2018) Drug transfer into breast milk. Modelling (psychotropic) drug transfer over the mammary gland using physicochemical parameters and active transport as descriptors. Research Project, Pharmacy.

van der Meulen, Merel (2018) Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)-based implants with a biphasic pulsatile release profile for vaccination The physical mixture prototype. Research Project, Pharmacy.

von Kreijfelt, Gabriëlla (2018) The trends and use of acid suppressants in infancy or (early) childhood and the risk of developing atopic diseases. Research Project, Pharmacy.

vriesde, naomi (2018) To understand the dynamic environment of airway fibroblasts and their contribution to ECM repair and airway remodeling. Research Project, Pharmacy.


Wakker, Marijke (2018) Coating the quorum-quenching acylase PvdQ on polydimethylsiloxane silicone. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Wakker-Havinga, Marijke (2018) Coating the quorum-quenching acylase PvdQ on polydimethylsiloxaan silicone. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Wienk, Mathilde (2018) The trends in psycho pharmaceutical drug use before, during and after pregnancy in The Netherlands. Research Project, Pharmacy.

Wienk, Mathilde (2018) The trends in psycho pharmaceutical drug use before, during and after pregnancy in The Netherlands. Research Project, Pharmacy.


Xian, Jia Ling (2018) siRNA-mediated protein knockdown in precision-cut lung slices. Research Project, Pharmacy.


Zijp, Tanja (2018) Effect of atrasentan on lipid profile in diabetic nephropathy – do PCSK9 and syndecan-1 have a role? Research Project, Pharmacy.

This list was generated on Sat Feb 15 17:38:26 2025 CET.