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Avis, A.F.G. (2016) Disappearance of positronium into extra dimensions. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
B.A. de Jong (2016) Comparison of three SECT calibration methods to convert CT data to RSP values for biological tissues. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Beekhuis, H.J. (2016) EXPLORING GLASS GATING. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Boeschoten, A. (2016) Positronium and the mirror world. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Boomstra, R.P. (2016) Optimal coupling of a cryogenic source to a Stark decelerator. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Borghols, B.H.G. (2016) Revolving around Noether's Theorem. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Buijsman, S.F. (2016) Investigating the effect of external magnetic fields and polarisation of intense light fields on Ba+ ions. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Cabrita, A.M.O. (2016) Modelling Photo-triggered Self-oscillatory Behavior of Liquid Crystal Polymeric Beams. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Cosijn, M. M. (2016) Extraction and purification of carbon from aerosol particles for radiocarbon analysis. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Daalen, M.S.B. van (2016) High-temperature in-situ EBSD investigation of dynamic behaviour in the. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Delicaat, O.H.S. (2016) The Goldstone theorem and spontaneous breaking of conformal symmetry. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Diekema, J.L. (2016) Trapping and cooling silica nanospheres. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Doeglas, D. J. (2016) The quantum perturbations of inflation in different gauges. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Dorp, F.P.J. van (2016) Examining the effect of the magnetic field in Ba+ ions. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Douma, FW (2016) Measurements of stratospheric d13C in methane using AirCore. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
E.A. Duijnstee (2016) Surface-roughness effect on electrical capacitance. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Elbers, W.H. (2016) Non-linear realisations of supersymmetry using constrained superfields. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Even, L. (2016) Design and characterization of a LTS flux pump system for possible satellite application. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Goossens, A.S. (2016) Electrical Effects on Charge and Magnetic Transport in SrRuO3/Nb-doped SrTiO3. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Harmanni, F. (2016) Higher Order Lagrangians. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Hendriks, F (2016) Lightning stepped leaders. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Herrero, P. (2016) Exploring QCD-like theories with varying spacetime dimensions. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Hidding, J. (2016) Anomalous Hall Measurements on Proximity Induced Ferromagnetic Graphene/YIG Heterostructures. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
J.R. Maat (2016) Effects of external parameters on the line shape of hyperfine lines in molecular iodine. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Jansen, A. (2016) Conserved Interactions in Influenza Hemagglutinin. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Kelly, L. D. (2016) Investigating I2 with a View to Detecting Variation of Fundamental Constants. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Kraan, E. N. (2016) Experimental status and prospects in search for charged lepton flavor violation. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Kuindersma, H. (2016) Trigger Efficiencies at LHCb in the Search for B_s -> e μ. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Kuipers, V.F. (2016) Photodissociation of Pyrene Cations by Extreme UV Radiation. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Manrho, M. (2016) Anti-gravity in positronium. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Meesters, T. N. (2016) Effect of the Earth’s rotation and relativistic effects in spin precession experiments. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Moretón, E. (2016) Study of self-assembled monolayers of biphenylthiol molecules on oxidized copper. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Mutter, T.T.J. (2016) Field Effect Tuning of Electrical and Optical Properties of Chemical Vapor Deposition Grown WS2. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Noordam, A.W. (2016) The Anomalous Hall Effect for magnons. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Oudshoorn M.S. (2016) Study of electronic traps in organic semiconductors via thermally stimulated current technique. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Pascha, P. (2016) Fragmentation of coronene as the result of hydrogenation. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
R.B. Hijlkema (2016) PET geometries and protocols for verification of Proton therapy; evaluation of PET images. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Rees, M. van (2016) Influence of a fault damage zone on gas and heat production from the Roden gas field. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Richards, C (2016) An Investigation into Molecule-Graphene Interactions. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Sarnatskiy, A (2016) Calculation of stopping powers for protons using single point calibration method for dual energy CT. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Schimmel, C. (2016) Electron hole signatures in two-dimensional Stark spectroscopy. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Sloten, L. van (2016) Extensive air showers, Comparing two simulation programs. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Sánchez Gras, C. (2016) Real-Time Pulse-Processing Algorithms for the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Thole, J. J. E. (2016) Towards the detection of the primordial gravitational wave background. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Touwen, A. (2016) Inflationary models based on conformal symmetry. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Uijttewaal, M.A. (2016) Carbonaceous aerosols. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Vermeulen, S.M. (2016) Addition of Side Chains to a Coarse-Grained Protein Model. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Vogelzang, M. (2016) Observing Lorentz Invariance Violation in beta-decay. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Vries, H. de (2016) Optimization of a LiNBO3 Electro-Optic Field Sensor. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Vries, H. de (2016) Optimization of a LiNBO3 Electro-Optic Field Sensor. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
van der Zee, T.S. (2016) PET geometries and protocols for verification of proton therapy: Monte Carlo simulations. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Watson, A.J. (2016) Measuring Lorentz Invariance Violation in Weak Interaction. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Werff, D.N. van der (2016) Maxwell and Special Relativity. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Wiertsema, M.J. (2016) Single molecule studies of the association and dissociation rates of complex formation of SBDs with their substrates. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Wit, C. J. W. de (2016) The bending of hemagglutinin. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Wit, J.M. de (2016) Calculation of the first two ionization potentials of einsteinium and holmium using relativistic coupled cluster method. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Zeinstra, S.W. (2016) Super-Heavy Dark Matter as a source of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Zessen, J. van (2016) Effect of fluid injection in a depleted gas field. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.
Zwanenburg, E.A. (2016) Conducting probe measurements of photo-active photosystem I monolayers on graphene. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.