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Agema, M. (2009) The role of cancer stem cells in metastasis of breast cancer. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Bakker, N. (2009) Prionen als medicijn? Hoe infiltreert scrapie prion isovorm het menselijk organisme en is dit mechanisme te benutten voor medicijntransport. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Bartelds, M.C. (2009) Increasing turbidity of the Dutch Wadden Sea: The possible causes and consequences for the Wadden Sea and its salt marshes. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Boiten, T.A.J. (2009) The importance of the IGF-signaling receptors, IGF1R and IR, in cancers and the possible ways to interrupt the pathways. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Boonstra, M. (2009) Programmed Cell Death and Lysis in Bacteria and the Benefits for Survival. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Bosma, I (2009) Ontwikkeling van een alarmsysteem tegen overbelasting van het been. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Both, I.M. (2009) Adipose derived stem cells for regenerative cell therapy in peripheral vascular disease. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Bourgonje, A.M. (2009) Neuroprotection induced by the adenosine A1-receptor and IL-6: Do they use the same mechanisms? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Brandsma, E.T. (2009) De rol van TNF-alpha autoantilichamen in de ziekte van Crohn. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Bruinenberg, V.M (2009) Visuele en niet-visuele effecten van licht. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Clevers, W.J. (2009) Cancer Stem Cells in Solid Tumors:. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Coolen, A. (2009) Role of galectins in inflammation and remyelination in multiple sclerosis. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Dijk, E.M. van (2009) Veranderingen in circadiane ritmen en slaap bij schizofrenie en de invloed van olanzapine: ritmeverschuiving in de Wistarrat. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Dijkman, W.P. (2009) Functions and applications of NMOs. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Dik, J.W. (2009) Carbon metabolism and synthesis of the polysaccharide capsule of Streptococcus pneumoniae and related pathogenic streptococci. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Draijer, C. (2009) Ontwikkeling van een astmavaccin: mogelijke adjuvans kandidaten. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
de Jong, I.E. (2009) DNA damage repair in cancer therapy. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Eerden, F.J. van (2009) Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Protein Stability. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Fokkema, R.W. (2009) Changing interactions in the Wadden Sea. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Gerwen, I. van (2009) Possible effects of global climate change on the activity and expression of Rubisco in phytoplankton. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Gestel, J. van (2009) Experimental Evolution. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Gomes, A (2009) The effect of aging and senescence on the process of remyelination. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Graaf, D. de (2009) Antibioticumprofylaxe in de orale implantologie : de huidige stand van zaken. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Haanstra, D.I. (2009) Voice Producing Element. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Herz, J.S.A. (2009) ECG-Tele-monitoring kan dienen als vervanging van een bezoek aan de specialist. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Heuvel, F.H.M.van den (2009) Commercial exploitation of marine microalgae: updating old methods of biomass and compound production. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Hezemans, K. (2009) Biodiversity in a changing environment. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Hoornweg, T.E. (2009) Novel Influenza A (H1N1): the twenty-first century influenza pandemic. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Hulst, V. (2009) Hormesis in plants, rather a rule then exception. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Jansen, S.R. (2009) The role of the beta-amyloid peptide in Alzheimer's disease - Mechanisms of toxicity. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Jellema, A.M. (2009) Epigenetics And Host Adaptation. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Jungmann, J.M. (2009) Cyclopropane fatty acids in Lactococcus Lactis/ Dealing with industrial stress. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Kate, M. ten (2009) Personality assessment in human and nonhuman species. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Katoen, F.M. (2009) Combining EGFR inhibitors with chemo- and radiotherapy in lung cancer treatment. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Kema, M.H.S. (2009) Immunomodulation through indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Ketelaar, M.E. (2009) Freezing Activity: The Target to Induce Cold-Ischemic Tolerance? ‘The Role of AMPK Agonists in Cold Preservation Related Organ Injury as Compared to Ischemic Preconditioning in Transplantation Medicine'. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Kol, K.J. (2009) Regulation of capsule biosynthesis in Streptococcus pneumoniae (and related pathogenic streptococci) by environmental factors and transcription regulators. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Krikke, M. (2009) Climate change and Antarctic krill. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Kroezen, J.P.P. (2009) Facing fitness: Does asymmetrical posing in portraits reflect fitness? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Land, J. (2009) Influenza virus affects apoptosis: Identifying targets for therapy. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Lustenhouwer, M. (2009) The application of remote sensing in vegetation science. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Maathuis, G. (2009) Mechanismen voor antibioticaresistentie in klinische stammen van Klebsiella pneumoniae en Acinetobacter baumannii. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Marneth, A.E. (2009) Het effect van roken op TGF-β signalering met betrekking tot de extracellulaire matrix - Gevolgen voor longontwikkeling en COPD. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Meer, D. van der (2009) De rol van APP-secretases in de ziekte van Alzheimer. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Meyer, N. (2009) As Bad As Its Reputation? The Physiological Function of Amyloid Precursor Protein and Amyloid-beta. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Minnen, A. (2009) Combinatorial biosynthesis on Polyketide Synthase type I. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Mulder, Marlies (2009) Variatie in jongegroei van koolmezen tussen habitats : hangt het effect van broedselgroote op groei samen met habitat? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Nieuwenhuijsen, S. (2009) Antipsychotische drugs; de serotonine-dopamine hypothese. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Noort, A.C. (2009) The interaction between influenza and pneumococcus. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Nunes, G.E. (2009) Commercial Aquaculture: Can aquaculture provide the solution to global overexploitation by capture fisheries? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Pawironadi, K.G.D. (2009) Effects of climate change on the introduction of new viral infections in endemic regions. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Politiek, E.T. (2009) Verenpikken - Vier proefschriften (en hoe de conclusies verwerkt zijn in de weteenschappelijke wereld sinds publicatie). Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Pool, T.J. (2009) Nonphotochemical Quenching by qE in Photosystem II. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Postma, F.M. (2009) Spatial and temporal variation in sedimentation rate on salt marshes. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Pouwels, D.S. (2009) Acinetobacter baumannii en Vancomycine Resistente Enterokokken (VRE) zijn onderschatte globale gezondheidsrisico's voor de mens. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Puijenbroek, M.E.B. van (2009) Do root exudates affect nitrogen cycling through interactions with soil microbes and root herbivores? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Richter, M.K.S. (2009) Virology and Diagnosis of the Hepatitis C Virus. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Riede, S.J. (2009) Function of circadian clocks in peripheral tissues. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Rosendaal, E.C. (2009) Post ejection nest desertion of hosts of avian brood parasites; a second defence mechanism or avoiding reduced reproductive succes. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Ruiter, H.R. de (2009) Alzheimer en Antioxidanten. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Ruiter, K. de (2009) De rol van regulatoire T cellen in coronaire hartziekten. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Schievink, B.H. (2009) The mechanism of neuroinvasive disease in West Nile virus infection. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Schoeman, M. (2009) Prevention of posterior capsule opacification. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Seefat, J.H. (2009) De myogene respons in autoregulatoire vaatbedden; mechanismen, pathologieen en mogelijke therapieen. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Simons, S.M.J. (2009) State dependent valuation. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Smit, K.G. (2009) De effecten van sigarettenrook op het bronchiaal epitheel van astmapatiënten. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Smit, N.W. (2009) Extracellular matrix and kidney development. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Streefkerk, A.C.P. (2009) On clusters and formations: birds flying in groups. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Timmermans, B.M. (2009) Global CO2 Rise: A Blessing or a Curse. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Vainchtein, I.D. (2009) Candida albicans: Mechanisms of biofilm resistance unraveled? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Veele, W.A. (2009) Interventie op transglutaminase-2 is van therapeutische relevantie in nierziekten. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Veltkamp, S (2009) Tregs, the key to new treatment for systemic lupus erythematosus. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Venrooij, O. M. van (2009) Waarom zijn er nog linkshandigen? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Verhaag, E.M. (2009) Pre-eclampsie De theorieën en feiten van een overmatige ontstekingsreactie tijdens de zwangerschap. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Verweij, K.F. (2009) On the debate of vegetation openness of primeval north-western Europe. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Vries, P. de (2009) Epitoky in polychaetes: when benthic worms go pelagic. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Vugt, B. van (2009) Filoviridae : a minireview and the latest developments in vaccines. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Waijer, SW (2009) The role of the airway epithelium in the modulation of the immune response towards LPS in asthma. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Wallert, A.M. (2009) Halophytes, the answer to all your salt problems. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Westra, J.S. (2009) Quantification of the effects of spatial heterogeneity on animals at different spatial scales. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Westveer, J. (2009) How will sea-level rise affect coastal habitats such as salt marshes in the long term? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Wijnmaalen, I.M. (2009) The role of endothelial progenitor cells in atherosclerosis. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Woudstra, L. (2009) Mesenchymale stamcellen voor de behandeling van hartinfarcten. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Zeeuw, J.L. de (2009) Melatonin’s protection against cancer. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Zemel, H.D. (2009) Antropogene verstoring van Rosse Grutto’s (Limosa lapponica) tijdens de voorjaarsmigratie in het Waddengebied. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.
Zomeren, L.M. van (2009) Changes in rhythmicity of mammals to cope with low food intake and high energy expenditure. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.