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Number of items: 164.

Akkerman, L. (2013) De ziekte van Alzheimer: Welke aangrijpingspunten hebben mogelijk potentie voor het vinden van een goede behandeling? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Alberts, N. (2013) Serotonergic Dysfunction in Major Depressive Disorder: A role for pro-inflammatory cytokines. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Alkema, J.T. (2013) Intralocus sexual conflict as a factor of male homosexual preference in humans. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Appel, C.A. (2013) Elastische banding van de arteria pulmonalis. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Baars, A. L. (2013) The potential of miRNAs in renal regeneration. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Bakker, M. (2013) Modelling depression; a comparison of different rodent models. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Beesems, G. (2013) T-cel veroudering en virusinfecties bij ouderen. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Belle, J.W. van (2013) Alternative Splicing in Cancer. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Benthem van, K.L. (2013) Huidige inzichten in de preventie van neuralebuisdefecten door foliumzuur supplementatie. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Beugeling, N. (2013) Mondhygiëne bij verstandelijk gehandicapten. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Bezema, S.M.C. (2013) Sleep and spatial memory consolidation: a role for replay in hippocampal place cell assemblies? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Bianchi, R (2013) Obesity and telomere length, a lifetime view. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Boels, A.B.D. (2013) Parameters berekend met de Kinect om balansvermogen te beoordelen. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Boer, M. de (2013) Hebben vrouwen die ‘s nachts werken meer kans op borstkanker door verstoring van de melatonine spiegels? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Boers, R.H. (2013) Het effect van depressie op het ontwikkelen van een myocard infarct. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Boersma, S.A. (2013) Chemotherapie: het mechanisme achter de nadelige effecten op het cognitieve vermogen. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Bos, A.E. (2013) Personality and survival. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Bos, R.M. van den (2013) MreB: the twisted truth. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Bossink, S.F. (2013) Signal Peptidase I. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Boukes, S.L. (2013) Prothesekokers in ontwikkelingslanden. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Braakhuis, P.S.M. (2013) Bipolaire stoornis: Een endogeen proces of vooral bepaald door omgevingsfactoren? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Braam, E. (2013) Circulating tumor cells in microfluidic devices. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Broeders, A.S. (2013) Verschillen in de ontwikkeling van de placenta in een normale zwangerschap versus een diabetes type 1 zwangerschap. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Bronsema, J.H. (2013) The TRAIL-receptors 1 (DR4) and 2 (DR5) contribute differently to TRAIL-mediated apoptosis. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Brouwer I.N. (2013) Improvements for Lower Extremity Socket Design and Suspension for Children in the Developing World. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Bruin, D. (2013) Microbial Fencing, van afweer tot coöperatie. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Bruininks, B. M. H. (2013) REVIEW Multiple forms of cytokinesis in D discoideum. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Damman, R. and Keyzer, J. de and Driessen, A.J.M. (2013) Targeting of the YidC/Oxa1/Alb3 family to their respective insertion partners. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Dieters, J.A (2013) Rationale van atypische antipsychotica in de behandeling van Anorexia Nervosa. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Dijk, K.M. van (2013) Seagrass in the Wadden Sea. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Dijkstra, D.J. (2013) Het effect van suiker- en vetvervangers op het humane metabolisme. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Douma, M. C. (2013) Causes of divorce in long-term monogamous bird species. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Edens, J. G. (2013) Aggregation pheromone of the Colorado Potato Beetle. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Eising. K (2013) The influence of human activity on the dispersal of apex predators in the Netherlands between the 11th and 19th century. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Euson, A.J. (2013) The complex mechanisms of antibody-enhanced disease following dengue virus infection. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Fakkert, H.F. (2013) Ring species - do they exist? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Fieten, N.N. (2013) The effects of sound on fish behavior: Anthropogenic noise in the North Sea. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Gasteren, A. E. van (2013) The Sanderling: monogamous, or not? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Geertsema, R. J. (2013) Woody encroachment threatens savannas. What is causing it? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Gengler, T. (2013) Aerosolvorming in combinatie met beademingssystemen. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Gommers, M.I. (2013) Local adaptation in pelagic shark species. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Goot, G. van der (2013) Effect of molt on the homarid lobster’s life cycle. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Gravesteijn, C. (2013) Het epigenetisch geheugen van geïnduceerde pluripotente stamcellen. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Greeve, Y. (2013) The Restoration of Blue Mussel Reefs in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Groeneveld, C.A. (2013) CT quantification of pulmonary emphysema. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Haan, A. de (2013) Hormone replacement therapy: een behandeling voor premature overgang. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Haan, S. den (2013) Top-down and bottom-up control of the community structure of eelgrass meadows. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Habraken, C.M. (2013) TGF-β en Astma; Klein Eiwit, Groots Effect. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Harmsen, S. (2013) Prospects in the molecular screening for drug susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Hartman, R. (2013) The chick chorioallantoic membrane as an in vivo model to study platinum resistance in ovarian cancer. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Hasselt, S. van (2013) The effects of shifting to and from Daylight Saving Time. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Heestermans, T (2013) Cryptic Female Choice in Humans. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Heide, M. van der (2013) The application of LysM domains in therapeutic methods. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Hekman, M.H.A. (2013) Recovery of podocyte cytoskeleton integrity as a target in DN: role for heat shock proteins? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Hendriks, K. J. J. (2013) NAD+ metabolism in Pasteurellaceae. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Hendriks, R.A. (2013) De toekomst van virale vectoren in gentherapie, obstakels en ontwikkelingen. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Henke, O.T. (2013) The molecular mechanism of articular cartilage lubrication. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Herksen, M.L.D. van (2013) Intraocular lenses as a device against posterior capsular opacification. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Hoeben, C (2013) Extracellulaire matrix productie door cellen uit het adipose weefsel: Overzicht en toekomstperspectieven. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Horsthuis, K. (2013) De oorzaken van een verstoorde cel-cel adhesie in het luchtwegepitheel bij astma. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Houtsma, E. (2013) The origin and applications of adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs). Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Hove, A. ten (2013) Braak staging concept and the role of alpha-synuclein in Parkinson’s disease. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Hoving, H.I.H. (2013) De rol van publieke informatie bij habitatselectie. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Huisman, R. (2013) Ecologie en Evolutie. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Ike, K.G.O. (2013) The Internal Alarm Clock. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Jager, W. (2013) De effecten van klimaatsveranderingen op de Siberische populatie rotganzen. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Jentink, A. (2013) Een model voor de cochlea. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Jong, H.J. de (2013) Delayed sleep phase syndrome. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Jonkers, R.L. (2013) Review of Dengue and vaccine candidates. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Joustra, R.A. (2013) De rol van de intestinale microbiota in de ontwikkeling van Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Kamphuis, P.G.A (2013) What is VEGF and what is its function in relation to angiogenesis? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Karunenthiran, J (2013) De rol van het endotheel in hypertensie. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Kastelein, A. (2013) Estrogen response and the development of Anorexia Nervosa. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Ketelaar, S. (2013) Onderzoek naar de herdefiniëring van stress. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Keuning, E.A. (2013) Metabolic engineering for the production of nylon. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Klein, L. (2013) Epigenetica, de sleutel tot pathologische stress? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Kleinman, D. M. (2013) Circadian rhythmicity and reproduction in Drosophila melanogaster. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Klink, M.M.L. van der (2013) The importance of a proper knee prosthesis. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Knop, J. (2013) Finding an animal model of schizophrenia: Combining induction strategies to create new research opportunities. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Kooistra, S.J. (2013) De ko fan no, hoe de huidige melkkoe zorgt voor verandering in het oude weidse cultuurlandschap. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Koopman, M (2013) Tumor Necrosis Factor-Receptor 2: a potential new target in Multiple Sclerosis? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Kosse M.J. (2013) Effects of acylated and unacylated ghrelin on lipid metabolism. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Kromkamp, N. (2013) Recovery of the North Atlantic right whale. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Kruizinga, W.J. (2013) Maternal influence on infants’ developing microbiome. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Leijsen, C.F.A. van (2013) Borstkankeronderzoek; Screeningsmethode voor vrouwen tussen de 50 en 75 jaar met borsten met hoge dichtheid. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Linnemann, J.E.M. (2013) The Role of the Tumour Microenvironment on the development of Medulloblastoma. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Loo, H.A. van and Bruyn, M. de (2013) Adoptive T cell therapy in solid tumors. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Lubbers, J.M.A (2013) Fighting Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cells : an overview of combat strategies for increasing immunotherapy. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Lubbers, M (2013) Pro-inflammatoire cytokinen als onderliggend mechanisme van co-morbiditeit tussen Multiple Sclerose en migraine? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Lubberts, Annemiek (2013) Gangbeeldanalyse-technieken voor fysiotherapeuten. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Luchjenbroers, P.J.H. (2013) The Role of Homologous Recombination Genes in Dealing with Replication Stress. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Luxen, M. (2013) Application of Whole Genome Sequencing by Next-Generation Sequencers in Typing and Detection of Multidrug Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Luyn, F. van (2013) Psychoacoustic measurement of tinnitus loudness and pitch. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Manning, F. (2013) Cre LoxP Mouse Models. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Marrewijk, M.S. van (2013) Barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis) in interaction networks in comparison to the interaction network of the Brent goose (Branta bernicla). Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Massoeurs, K.F.H.H. (2013) Behavioral aspect of chemical communication in lobsters. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Mensink, J. (2013) Postuur controle van ouderen. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Mierlo, JW van (2013) Cytotoxic CD8+ T cells in cancer: to be or not to be. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Mooibroek, E.E. (2013) Akkermansia Muciniphila in de strijd tegen obesitas. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Mulder, M. (2013) De rol van Notch tijdens wondheling in het hoornvlies. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Olst, L. van (2013) Alzheimer's disease, neuroinflammation and the influence of different combinations of nutrients. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Oomen, M.E. (2013) The evolution and prevention of Antibiotic resistance in Human pathogens. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Oosting, R.M (2013) Surface characteristics of quaternized cross-linked polyethyleneimine (PEI). Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Overweg, L. (2013) The effect of changing school start time on sleep and performance in adolescents. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Pander, S. V. (2013) Structural and functional analyses of the mbth-homologs. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Perez Boerema, A. (2013) Viruses' Structural Changes Upon Infection of a Host Cell. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Perridon, B.W. (2013) Staphylococcus aureus vaccine development – identification of candidates and the unknown protective immunity. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Poortinga, I. (2013) kindspecifieke beenprothese voor de derde wereld. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Prins, K. (2013) The evolution of encapsulation abilities among insects. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Pullen, S.G.H. (2013) The effect of evening blue light emitted by commonly used devices on the circadian rhythm. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Rakers, S.E. (2013) Auditieve verbale hallucinaties bij schizofrenie door een abnormale activatie van de primaire auditieve cortex en/of een defect van de interne controle. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Rauch, M.B. (2013) Competitie en Niche-segregatie in Larus argentatus en Larus fuscus. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Rhemrev, V.M.M (2013) Leidt stress tot agressie in mannen en tot een depressie in vrouwen? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Rijssen, R.C. van (2013) The biological response due to the implantation of medical devices: The foreign body reaction. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Rikkert, L.G. (2013) Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition in glioblastoma and breast cancer cells. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Rinsema, H.M. (2013) Veranderingen in het immuunsysteem tijdens zwangerschap en preeclampsie. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Roelfsema, K.F. (2013) The global distribution patterns of Mycorrhizae. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Rosink, A. (2013) Slaapdeprivatie bij bipolaire stoornis; de werkingsfactoren van slaapdeprivatie op depressie in bipolaire stoornis. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Rosmalen, L. van (2013) Slaaptekort als mogelijke oorzaak van depressie op jonge leeftijd. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Rots, M. (2013) Function of Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) in the Pathophysiology of Heart Failure and Depression. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Runow, K.M. (2013) Remming van het FTO gen mogelijk nieuwe behandeling voor obesitas. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Schenkel, M.A. (2013) Genetics of diapause. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Schirris, Y. (2013) Pharmacoeconomics, will cyclized angiotensin-(1-7) beat the current medication? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Schotanus, J. (2013) The effect of invasive ecosystem engineers on ecosystem functioning. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Schroot, T.C. (2013) Mondhygiëne bij verstandelijk gehandicapten. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Schuitema, D. (2013) Prothesevoeten voor kinderen in ontwikkelingslanden. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Schut, T. (2013) Geïnduceerde pluripotente stamcellen als model voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek aan neurodegeneratieve ziektes. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Sloterdijk, I. (2013) Het effect van lichaamstemperatuur op cognitie. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Sluis, N. van der (2013) Regenerative therapy for pre-eclampsia: Are endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) the future? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Smedinga M. (2013) The evolutionary factor in speed dating. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Snoek, M. van der (2013) Marine biodiversity hotspots: what drives the higher biodiversity observed in the Indo-West Pacific as compared with the greater Caribbean region? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Sol, M. (2013) De rol van HMGB1, AGE’s en RAGE in atherosclerose bij diabetes. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Sombeek, J (2013) A review on joint distraction including non-invasive alternatives for knee joint distraction. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Spandauw, F.J. (2013) Polyglutamine diseases : The Proteostasis network unbalanced. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Spekhorst, L.S. (2013) De rol van WNT in de structurele veranderingen van COPD. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Staal, L. (2013) Why Dysregulation of the Circadian Rhythmicity Leads to Obesity. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Storms, R. F. (2013) The evolutionary dynamics of Transposable Elements. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Swart, D.H. (2013) Mutations in influenza that facilitate human-to-human transmission. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Tekelenburg, D.R. (2013) Resorbable bone plates from Amylose Esterification. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Teunis, M (2013) The storage products of diatoms, under nutrient limitation. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Tjoelker, R.S. (2013) Goede verzorging van het gebit voorkomt pre-eclampsie tijdens de zwangerschap. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Tournois, G.A. (2013) Vinger- en handprothesen – de huidige stand van zaken. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Veen, T.A. van der (2013) Comparison of current and future cervical cancer screening and. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Vermeulen, P. (2013) Genetic and behavioral changes in introduced species. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Versluijs, T.S.L (2013) Partial Migration - Understanding its evolutionary control. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Vinke, J (2013) Een ontwerpopdracht voor een controleapparaat die het dragen van schoenen controleert. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Vinke, P.C. (2013) Myosin Vb in Microvillus Inclusion Disease and mutations in conserved residues of other myosins. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Viskaal, K. (2013) Het Cytomegalovirus en Immune Evasion. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Visscher, L.V.M. (2013) De invloed van ontregelde WNT signalering op de achteruitgang van de longfunctie bij veroudering en emfyseem in COPD patiënten. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Visser, J.J. (2013) Uncover elements of the GLUT4 pathway that are altered by insulin resistance. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Visser, J.P. (2013) The developmental and evolutionary processes causing different forms of mimicry in cephalopods. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Vos, B.F. de (2013) Genetic variegation and Darwinian selection in AML. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Westgeest, Y. (2013) The Impact of Ambient Temperature on Physical Performance and Fatigue. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Wiersma, J.M. (2013) Het ontstaan van verschuivende vegetatiemozaïeken en cyclische successie onder invloed van begrazing. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Wijk, T. van (2013) Het gunstige effect van fysieke inspanning op depressie: de rol van de inflammatoire respons. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Wijpkema, J.E.C. (2013) ComplianceMeetsysteem. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Wijs, F.A.L.M. de (2013) On the roles and possible interactions of fibronectin and galectin-4 in multiple sclerosis. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Willems, A. (2013) Effecten van galactooligosachariden en fructooligosachariden op de darmflora en het immuunsysteem. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Wilms, M. (2013) Endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition in diabetic retinopathy. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Zuidersma, E.I. (2013) The influence of large herbivores on grassland arthropod diversity. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Zwager, M.C. (2013) De rol van deciduale natural killer cellen en macrofagen bij de normale zwangerschap en preeclampsie. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Zwart, B. (2013) De gevolgen van het smeltende zee-ijs op de primaire productie in de arctische oceaan en de implicaties voor het ecosysteem. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Zwier, S.H. (2013) Target genes for miR-150 and miR26 and their possible role in B-cell lymphomas; new drug targets for the future? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

van Dijk, Q.J.S. (2013) Amyloids: they are everywhere! Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 11:57:32 2025 CET.