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Number of items: 129.

Albers, H. (2010) When will I leave? "Decision making and trade-offs in relation to timing of spring migration of male Bar-tailed Godwits (Limosa lapponica) at a stopover site". Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Bangma, R (2010) De rol van neural cell adhesion molecules in synaptische consolidatie. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Bartelds, R. (2010) De classificatie van auto-immuunziekten. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Berg, T. van den (2010) Over de voortbeweging in de azhdarchidae (pterosauria). Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Berg F.J. (2010) Mechanosensing in vasculaire endotheelcellen. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Biersma, E.M. (2010) Ocean Iron Fertilization. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Bijl, G.H. (2010) Metabole disfunctie en de ontwikkeling van de ziekte van Alzheimer. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Blom, M.P.K. (2010) Honeybees and their parasites: Pathogen transmission among pollinators. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Boer, E.C.S. de (2010) Immunosenescence en de rol van de verminderde CD28 expressie bij het ontstaan van auto-immuunziektes. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Boerma, L. (2010) Obstructive Sleep Apnea; Cause or Concequence. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Boers, M.C. (2010) Europe and large carnivores: The effect on spatial heterogeneity. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Bommel P.E. van (2010) Pre-existing immunity to novel pandemic influenza A viruses. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Bos, H. van den (2010) Micro-organismen vangen in netten van DNA. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Bouwman, L.M.S (2010) Conditie afhankelijke partnervoorkeur. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Broekema, T.H. (2010) De rol van virussen in de pathogenese van diabetes mellitus type 1. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Brouwer, L. (2010) Brain activation during auditory hallucinations in the schizophrenia-patient. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Cado van der Lelij, J.A. (2010) Seagrass Restoration: A story of succes or not? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Cazemier, H.K. (2010) MicroRNAs en de toepassing voor het in vitro regenereren van skeletspierweefsel. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Centen, M.R. (2010) A link between depression and alzheimer's disease : a role for TNFa signaling and IDO? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Claus M.E. (2010) Pygoscelid penguins at the W.A.P. - An abundance shift in sympatric breeding species. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Coster, J. (2010) Het voorspellen van de levensvatbaarheid van niertransplantaten. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Dekkema, G.J. (2010) iNKT cellen; de basis voor een nieuwe behandeling tegen tumoren. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Dencher, P. C. D. (2010) The role of miRNAs in the regulation of EMT processes during fibrosis. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Dijkstra, S. (2010) Potential targets to reverse atrial remodeling induced by atrial fibrillation. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Dort, M.J. van (2010) Dedifferentiatie en redifferentiatie van chondrocyten. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Duister, E. (2010) De effectiviteit van schoolgedrag als bescherming tegen predatoren. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Duong, M.N (2010) Death as a critical transition. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Dólleman, S.C (2010) Generation of functional beta-cell mass, searching for the best way to cure diabetes. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Eenjes, E. (2010) HSP70/HSP40 Chaperones, involved in the Protein Quality Control System, suppressing Toxic Protein Aggregation. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Eerbeek, J. van (2010) Why the seagrass Zostera marina L. disappeared from the Dutch Waddensea. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Elwenspoek, M.M.C. (2010) Exotoxic Virulence Factors of Streptococcus pygenes. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Etienne, R.S. and Wennekes, P.L. (2010) The Neutral - Niche Debate: An Instance of The Classic Holism vs Reductionism Dichotomy. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Faber, A.I.E. (2010) Deep brain stimulation in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Feis M.E. (2010) Reproduction of the genus Fucus. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Gooijer, J.G. de (2010) Zinc toxicity in herbal plants. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Gort, E.M. (2010) Is het nuttig de AED te plaatsen op openbare locaties? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Groot, B. de (2010) Buoyancy regulation in sharks: The importance of the fins and body. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Groot-Zevert, N. (2010) Biologisch ontzouten : waterzuivering door halofyten. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Heeres, P.N. (2010) De facetten van de radiotherapie; dosisberekening. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Heeringa, J.D. (2010) Angiogenese factoren in pre-eclampsie. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Helder, C.H. (2010) Varicella Zoster: Het probleem van virus reactivatie vanuit latentie. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Herz, J.S.A. (2010) Fourierreeks en frequentiespectra, Analyse van ECG met behulp van Fourier spectrumanalyse. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Hindriksen, S. (2010) Lyme borreliosis: The diagnostic value of laboratory assays. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Hinrichs, A. (2010) Diversiteit in de Akkerbouw. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Hoek, T. op de (2010) Adaptations of insect herbivores on different non-native host plants. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Hoekstra, M.M.B. (2010) Oxytocin: The Neurotransmitter That Will Replace Friends? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Hoekzema, Y. (2010) Responses of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Hooijsma, S.J. (2010) Anorexia en serotonine. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Huitema, T. (2010) microRNAs: the future for cancer therapy? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Jong, E. de (2010) The current stage of drug development based upon the function and dysfunction of TRP channels. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Jong, I.P. de (2010) Regulatory pathways in Streptomyces spp. / A closer look at the regulatory cascade started by the A-factor in Streptomyces griseus and the regulatory pathway in Streptomyces fradiae which leads to the production of tylosin. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Jong, R.J. de (2010) How effective is oral immunotherapy for food allergies and can it already be applied in clinic? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Kanters, T.J. (2010) The effects of Global warming on the Arctic organisms of the Kongsfjorden ecosystem. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Keijzer, L.E. (2010) Wear In Total Joint Replacements: Characteristics and biological activity of wear debris from different materials. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Kho, E. (2010) Een vergelijking van zes verschillende beeldvormende technieken met betrekking tot scoliose. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Klaassens, M.B. (2010) Reumatoïde Arthritis: Behandeling met TNF-antagonisten. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Klerks, R.L. (2010) Marine Microbial Community Fingerprinting: An Analysis between “classical” Microscopy and DGGE. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Koole, T.L.C.E. (2010) De rol en het gebruik van melatonine bij slaap stoornissen. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Koolschijn, R.S. (2010) Een geschiedenis van de beenprothese. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Koopmans, S. (2010) Molybdenum in plants. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Kruzycka, J.B. (2010) Dietary restriction: it's never too late. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Kuil, E.I. (2010) The negative effect of groundwater on Sphagnum (spp.) dominated bogs. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Kuipers, C.H. (2010) Zoeken nestelende grutto’s, Limosa l. limosa elkaar op? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Lam, J.W. het (2010) Het effect van torsie op gehaakt hechtdraad in handpeesherstel. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Lammers, I.G. (2010) The DNA damage response in cancer stem cells. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Land, M. van 't (2010) Seagrass monitoring and management: Is it enough? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Lanting, B.O. (2010) De rol van infectie bij de ontwikkeling van leukemie. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Leereveld, D. (2010) Helpt diagnostiek van hepatitis A clusters bij preventie en voor bronopsporing? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Leerink, T. (2010) Bergmann's rule reviewed for Endotherms & Ectotherms. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Lollinga, W.T. (2010) Detection of circulating tumor cells in non-small cell lung cancer. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Loznik, B. (2010) On the adaptive significance of non-parental infanticide in mammals - Linking model predictions to empirical observations. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Luinenburg, M. (2010) Plasticity trough Astrocytes: How the Glue becomes the Solvent. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Maat, H. (2010) Bacteriën en auto-immuniteit. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Marsman, S. (2010) Sport en het effect op de immuniteit. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Meerwijk, A.J.H. van (2010) The Multi-level Selection debate illustrated by the different degrees of eusociality in the wasp family Vespidae. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Menage, A. (2010) New treatments of ANCA-associated vasculitis: An overview. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Meulen, M.J. van der (2010) Acquisition and usage of circadian information by peripheral organs. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Middelburg, T. A. (2010) The mechanisms and genetic basis of immunity trade-offs. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Mohaupt S. (2010) Which stem cell for cardiomyocyte generation? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Mourik, P.M. van (2010) The genomic research of secondary metabolites in fungi. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Nijland T.J.A (2010) Het klinische belang van extended spectrum beta-lactamases. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Norda, L.J. (2010) Adaptation of leafminers to their natural enemies: a tritrophic interaction. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Onrust, J. (2010) Site fidelity in Oystercatchers: An Ecological Trap? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Oostveen, YY (2010) Multiple Sclerose; pathogenese en mogelijke behandelvormen. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Overgaauw, M.S. (2010) Dynamic FRET: an avenue towards understanding biological macromolecules in motion. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Overkamp, J. (2010) Barriers in the generation of iPS cells. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Perton, F. (2010) Possible preventive treatments of hypertrophic scar formation. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Piersma, D. (2010) Alcoholgeïnduceerde oxidatieve stress in het brein. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Plantinga, R. (2010) The CRISPR/Cas system in prokaryotes provides resistance against bacteriophages. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Punter, M.L. (2010) Life history variation, immune response and survival: evidence for causality? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Roest, G.A.B. (2010) State transition in Arabidopsis thaliana and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Rohde, J.H. (2010) Mucosal immunity: the thin line between hypo- and hyperresponse to gut associated bacteria. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Rozenbaum, R.T. (2010) The role of autophagy in cancer, and therapies for cancer in relation to autophagy. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Ruhmann, J. (2010) De neuronale regulatie van slaap en de slaapstoornissen REMsleep Behavior Disorder en Slaapwandelen. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Scharrenburg, M.W. (2010) Prenatale invloed van geslachtshormonen op seksespecifiek gedrag. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Schavemaker, P.E. (2010) Multi-functionality of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Schippers, L.M. (2010) The transport mechanesm of the sodium/aspartate symporter GltPh is novel and different from LeuT. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Schouten, M. (2010) Which pressure-sensitive adhesives are used in medicine?’. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Schrojenstein Lantman, I.M. van (2010) Grazing and the effects on insect communities. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Seinen, J. (2010) Herpes Zoster: Tolereren of Vaccineren? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Sigar, E.V. (2010) Migratory factors influencing the invasive character of GBM. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Simon, J.E. (2010) Polycysteus ovarium syndroom. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Smink, A.M. (2010) Intracellular non-genomic effects of glucocorticoids in the brain and other tissues. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Talens, L. (2010) DDR en Fibrose, Wat is de rol van de Discoidine Domein Receptor in het ontstaan van orgaanfibrose? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Talsma, D.T. (2010) Vertical transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Terpstra, S. (2010) The role of the lateral line in schooling. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Tutuhatunewa, E. D. (2010) Infections and Health Outcomes of Combat Related Injuries: Current Knowledge and Upcoming Challenges. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Vaart, M. van der (2010) Wat is de rol van HLA-DR4 bij het ontstaan van reumatoïde artritis? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Vasse, G (2010) De Ziekte van Alzheimer en roken: risicofactor of beschermende factor? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Veenman, K.M. (2010) Stereotypies, why and how. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Vergouwen, S.A. (2010) The trade-off between ageing and reproduction in the context of life histories. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Verheijke, G.C. (2010) Nature, nurture and the perinatal environment in Syndrome X etiology. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Verhoeven, M.A. (2010) Using the different subspecies of Red Knot (Calidris canutus) and Dunlin (Calidris alpina) to compare annual cycles. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Verschueren, H (2010) Human papillomavirus: HPV vaccination versus regular screening and good treatment. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Visser, J.A.L (2010) Radiatie geinduceerde vaatschade. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Vogels, M. F. (2010) Auto-immuniteit bij Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus en immunomodulerende behandelmethoden. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Vries, G. de (2010) Hematopoietische Stamceltransplantatie als vorm van Immuuntherapie; het allogene Graft-Versus-Kanker effect. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Vrij, E.L. de (2010) Acupuncture and pain relief. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Wennekes, P.L. and Etienne, R.S. (2010) The Neutral - Niche Debate: An Instance of The Classic Holism vs Reductionism Dichotomy. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Wesselman, L.M.P. (2010) Run for your life: Prevent a public health burden. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Wijers, T (2010) The application of marine microalgae. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Wijk, A.E. van der (2010) Cardiorenal interaction: perspectives from the kidney. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Wubs, M.D. (2010) Free time in birds. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Zeilstra, F. (2010) The Role of the MRN Complex in Cancer. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Zijl, J.C. van (2010) Peesblessures door sport: pathomechanisme en nieuwe aangrijpingspunten voor therapie. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Zinnicq Bergmann, M.P.M. van (2010) The Contribution of Marine Protected Areas to Resilience and persistence in Marine Fish Species. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Zomerman, WW (2010) Shift work and obesity. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Zwarteveen, R.K. (2010) Promoter hypermethylation of homologous recombination genes: Target for therapeutic agents. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Zwarts, I. (2010) Which subtype Toll-like receptor is important for the signaling of farm dust? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 11:57:41 2025 CET.