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Aalzum, E.D. van (2010) Het reduceren van omsteltijden bij het dieptrekproces. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Abdilla, R.M. (2010) A Kinetic Study on the Acid-catalyzed Conversion of D-Fructose to 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural and Levulinic Acid in Aqueous Solutions. Master's Thesis / Essay, Chemistry.

Albers, H. (2010) When will I leave? "Decision making and trade-offs in relation to timing of spring migration of male Bar-tailed Godwits (Limosa lapponica) at a stopover site". Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Alberts, F. (2010) The removal of transition metals from aqueous solution by aliphatic PolyKetone based resins with different chelating amino side groups. Master's Thesis / Essay, Chemistry.

Alves, H. (2010) Threshold Detection. Bachelor's Thesis, Artificial Intelligence.

Amsterdam, K. van (2010) Integration of Visual Metaphors in an Anesthesia Interface. Master's Thesis / Essay, Human-Machine Communication.

Baggelaar, M.P. (2010) DBTO catalyzed reactions between diols and bis-PCBM. Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Bakker, B. (2010) The chelating properties of polyketone-50-imidazole with transition metals compared with other polyamines. Master's Thesis / Essay, Chemistry.

Bakker, E. (2010) Inversoren cirkels worden lijnen en andersom. Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Bandringa, H. (2010) Immersed boundary methods. Master's Thesis / Essay, Mathematics.

Bangma, R (2010) De rol van neural cell adhesion molecules in synaptische consolidatie. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Bartelds, R. (2010) De classificatie van auto-immuunziekten. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Batenburg, R.A. van (2010) Person Detection in the Restaurant of the Future. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.

Beek, M. van (2010) Elliptic Curves of a Particular Form. Master's Thesis / Essay, Mathematics.

Beekum, J.P. van (2010) Increasing Total Reward in Supply Chains by Coordinating Price and Quantity Decisions. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Berg, E.K. van den (2010) The carbon footprint of VolkerWessels, Measurement methodology & emission reduction for the largest emitter. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Berg, T. van den (2010) Over de voortbeweging in de azhdarchidae (pterosauria). Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Berg F.J. (2010) Mechanosensing in vasculaire endotheelcellen. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Bergen, M.L.A.M. van Bergen (2010) Onderzoek naar het empty container probleem. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Beus, V.R. de (2010) Het ontwerpen van een nieuwe, op polyketon gebaseerde, houtlijm. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Biersma, E.M. (2010) Ocean Iron Fertilization. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Biesbroek, A. and Hommes, A. (2010) Synthesis gas production from polyethylene and polypropylene waste. Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Bijl, G.H. (2010) Metabole disfunctie en de ontwikkeling van de ziekte van Alzheimer. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Birza, E. (2010) Op weg naar: lean & duurzame bedrijfsuitvoering. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Blom, M.P.K. (2010) Honeybees and their parasites: Pathogen transmission among pollinators. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Boer, E.C.S. de (2010) Immunosenescence en de rol van de verminderde CD28 expressie bij het ontstaan van auto-immuunziektes. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Boer, G.A. (2010) An incremental approach to real-time hand pose estimation using the GPU. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.

Boer, J. de (2010) Usage-Load Based Maintenance. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Boerma, L. (2010) Obstructive Sleep Apnea; Cause or Concequence. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Boers, M.C. (2010) Europe and large carnivores: The effect on spatial heterogeneity. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Bohlmeijer, R. (2010) De verbetering van efficiëntie in de poedercoatafdeling. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Bommel P.E. van (2010) Pre-existing immunity to novel pandemic influenza A viruses. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Boomer, J. (2010) An adaptable prosthetic arm control system based on EMG signals. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Borgeld, P. (2010) Staining of DNA nanostructures. Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Bos, H. van den (2010) Micro-organismen vangen in netten van DNA. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Bosman, H.H.W.J. (2010) Relating head-movement to sound events. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.

Bosman, J.W. (2010) Discrete symmetriegroepen met Schönflies. Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Bouwkamp, F.J. (2010) The 3d-cutting head - “A technological and business analysis”. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Bouwkamp, J.C. (2010) Herontwerp klinknagelproces. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Bouwman, L.M.S (2010) Conditie afhankelijke partnervoorkeur. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Bracci, F. (2010) Automatic Traffic Sign Recognition. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.

Brederode, R.R. van (2010) Introducing telecare applications. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Broekema, T.H. (2010) De rol van virussen in de pathogenese van diabetes mellitus type 1. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Brouwer, L. (2010) Brain activation during auditory hallucinations in the schizophrenia-patient. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Bruggen, W. van (2010) Quantification Analysis by Raman and ATR-IR of the Palladium Catalyzed Conjugate Addition of 4-iodoanisole to Benzylideneacetone. Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Bruijn, A.D. de (2010) An Artificial Ribosome. Master's Thesis / Essay, Chemistry.

Buddingh, J. (2010) Ordervrijgave aan de hand van een digitaal vrijgave systeem. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Buijs, P. (2010) Proof of the Intelligent Products concept in a logistics environment - A new evaluation methodology design. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Buijs, R.J. (2010) Development of a decision support tool to aid innovation in the Potato Starch Industry. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Buwalda, T. A. (2010) DO PEOPLE USE EXTERNAL REPRESENTATIONS TO RELIEF THEIR PROBLEM STATE? Bachelor's Thesis, Artificial Intelligence.

C.J. van Leeuwen (2010) Driver Modeling and Lane Change Maneuver Prediction. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.

Cado van der Lelij, J.A. (2010) Seagrass Restoration: A story of succes or not? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Cazemier, H.K. (2010) MicroRNAs en de toepassing voor het in vitro regenereren van skeletspierweefsel. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Centen, M.R. (2010) A link between depression and alzheimer's disease : a role for TNFa signaling and IDO? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Claus M.E. (2010) Pygoscelid penguins at the W.A.P. - An abundance shift in sympatric breeding species. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Colpa, D. (2010) The creation and characterisation of an oxidase-peroxidase chimera of Alditol Oxidase. Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Coster, J. (2010) Het voorspellen van de levensvatbaarheid van niertransplantaten. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Coster, R.P. (2010) Thresholds for Information Transmission on Trees. Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Damsma, A. (2010) Impliciet leren van een tijdsinterval in een dual-task experiment. Bachelor's Thesis, Artificial Intelligence.

Dekkema, G.J. (2010) iNKT cellen; de basis voor een nieuwe behandeling tegen tumoren. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Dencher, P. C. D. (2010) The role of miRNAs in the regulation of EMT processes during fibrosis. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Dijk, F. van (2010) Chemical triggering of the mechanosensitive channel of large conductance (MscL). Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Dijkstra, R.S. (2010) StrepII-tagged MscL Isolation and characterization. Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Dijkstra, S. (2010) Potential targets to reverse atrial remodeling induced by atrial fibrillation. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Doesburg, F. (2010) Implicit Learning of Timing Intervals in a Dual Task Setting. Bachelor's Thesis, Artificial Intelligence.

Door, M. (2010) Fragmentation of leucine-enkephalin by collision induced dissociation for different keV projectile ions. Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Doornbos, E. (2010) Distributed control & price mechanisms for a small network of micro-CHPs. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Doornbos, M. (2010) The effect of using negative information on the accuracy of FastSLAM. Bachelor's Thesis, Artificial Intelligence.

Dorman, H.S. (2010) Upgraden van Bio-olie. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Dort, M.J. van (2010) Dedifferentiatie en redifferentiatie van chondrocyten. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Duister, E. (2010) De effectiviteit van schoolgedrag als bescherming tegen predatoren. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Duong, M.N (2010) Death as a critical transition. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Dólleman, S.C (2010) Generation of functional beta-cell mass, searching for the best way to cure diabetes. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Eeghen, Piet van (2010) Wagstaff-getallen. Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Eenjes, E. (2010) HSP70/HSP40 Chaperones, involved in the Protein Quality Control System, suppressing Toxic Protein Aggregation. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Eerbeek, J. van (2010) Why the seagrass Zostera marina L. disappeared from the Dutch Waddensea. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Eising, S. (2010) Peptide self-replication driven by self-assembly. Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Elwenspoek, M.M.C. (2010) Exotoxic Virulence Factors of Streptococcus pygenes. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Etienne, R.S. and Wennekes, P.L. (2010) The Neutral - Niche Debate: An Instance of The Classic Holism vs Reductionism Dichotomy. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Everhardt, A. (2010) Phase transitions and ferroelectricity in Mn hybrid: MnCl4(C6H5CH2CH2NH3)2. Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Faber, A.I.E. (2010) Deep brain stimulation in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Feenstra, L.A. and Aleven, V. and Rummel, N. (2010) Thinking with your Hands: Multiple Interactive Representations Increase Fraction Learning. Master's Thesis / Essay, Human-Machine Communication.

Feis M.E. (2010) Reproduction of the genus Fucus. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Feldbrugge, R.L. (2010) Using Reinforcement Learning to Make Optimal Use of Available Power and Improving Overall Speed of a Solar-Powered Boat. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.

Ferwerda, F. (2010) Learning Strategies for Mobile Robotics in Pipeline Inspection Tasks. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Figaroa, P.A. (2010) Anti-tumor effects of synthetic polyamines. Master's Thesis / Essay, Chemistry.

Flapper, J. (2010) A case study for the feasibility of Dividing Wall Distillation (DWD) in Shell. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Foekema, S. (2010) In Search of Texture Integration in the Early Visual Cortex. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.

Geersing, A. (2010) Modular Assembly of Cyclodextrin Containing Bio-mimetic. Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Glazenborg, T.B. (2010) Groen licht aan het Havenkanaal, Effecten van groene led straatverlichting op het gedrag van de watervleermuis. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.

Gooijer, J.G. de (2010) Zinc toxicity in herbal plants. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Gooijert, P. (2010) Combining an Activated Sludge Model with Computational Fluid Dynamics. Master's Thesis / Essay, Mathematics.

Gort, E.M. (2010) Is het nuttig de AED te plaatsen op openbare locaties? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Grasman, S. (2010) Fouling of the RED process used for power generation – Feasibility assessment of fouling prevention methods. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Greidanus, J.W. (2010) Efficient Computation of Periodic Orbits in Space-Time Discretised Nonlinear Dynamical Systems. Master's Thesis / Essay, Mathematics.

Gronde, J.J. van de (2010) A High Quality Solver for Diffusion Curves. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.

Groot, B. de (2010) Buoyancy regulation in sharks: The importance of the fins and body. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Groot, M.W. (2010) A categorization method to reduce changeover times for machines with multiple setup points. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Groot-Zevert, N. (2010) Biologisch ontzouten : waterzuivering door halofyten. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Groote, E. de (2010) The overlap distribution of paperfolding sequences. Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Hafkenscheid, J.M. (2010) FOCUSED SURFER MODELS : Ranking visual search results. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.

Harders, W.H. (2010) How grounded defeasible rules and exceptions emerge: Conceptualizing the environment in a population of agents. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.

Harmsma, E.J. (2010) Smart Meter Technology. Bachelor's Thesis, Computing Science.

Havinga, T.S. (2010) Automatic Severity Assessment of Hand Eczema. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.

Heeres, P.N. (2010) De facetten van de radiotherapie; dosisberekening. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Heeringa, J.D. (2010) Angiogenese factoren in pre-eclampsie. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Helder, C.H. (2010) Varicella Zoster: Het probleem van virus reactivatie vanuit latentie. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Henken, R (2010) A Performance Evaluation of a 3D MLI Time-of-Flight-sensor for applications in a domestic niche. Bachelor's Thesis, Artificial Intelligence.

Hermsen, H.C. (2010) Een afstandmaat voor geluidsklassen. Bachelor's Thesis, Artificial Intelligence.

Herz, J.S.A. (2010) Fourierreeks en frequentiespectra, Analyse van ECG met behulp van Fourier spectrumanalyse. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Heslinga, E.J. (2010) Transportation task for robotic fish. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Heslinga, O.L. (2010) Filtering in Large Eddy Simulation. Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Heuveln, H.F. van (2010) Sustainability of the production process at Ree Holland. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Hielkema, R.M. (2010) A Context-based Approach to Reduce the Amount of Unknown Words in User Search Queries. Master's Thesis / Essay, Human-Machine Communication.

Hindriksen, S. (2010) Lyme borreliosis: The diagnostic value of laboratory assays. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Hinrichs, A. (2010) Diversiteit in de Akkerbouw. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Hoek, T. op de (2010) Adaptations of insect herbivores on different non-native host plants. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Hoekstra, J.A. (2010) Workload Control: Improving lead times and on time delivery in a job shop environment. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Hoekstra, M.M.B. (2010) Oxytocin: The Neurotransmitter That Will Replace Friends? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Hoekzema, Y. (2010) Responses of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Hooff, N.L.M. van (2010) Simplified metaphorical anesthesia interfaces. Bachelor's Thesis, Artificial Intelligence.

Hoogendorp, H.J. (2010) Extraction and Visual Exploration of Call Graphs for Large Software Systems. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.

Hooijsma, S.J. (2010) Anorexia en serotonine. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Hove, H. ten (2010) Maturing and Versioning an Architectural Knowledge Repository. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.

Hu, R.M. (2010) Modelling Voice Producing Elements. Master's Thesis / Essay, Mathematics.

Huisman, B. (2010) Hydrodeoxygenation of lignin Optimizing phenolic content for adhesive production. Master's Thesis / Essay, Chemistry.

Huitema, T. (2010) microRNAs: the future for cancer therapy? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Jaarsma, Krista (2010) Zonnestroom voor Madina. Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Janssen, D.A. (2010) Welke technische mogelijkheden zijn er om de kosten van plastic vergisterzakken te reduceren? Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Janssen, S.C.P. (2010) Usage Load Profiles voor de FENNEK en Scania. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Jensch, M. (2010) Assessing the effect of different input modalities on error recovery. Master's Thesis / Essay, Human-Machine Communication.

Jong, E. de (2010) The current stage of drug development based upon the function and dysfunction of TRP channels. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Jong, I.P. de (2010) Regulatory pathways in Streptomyces spp. / A closer look at the regulatory cascade started by the A-factor in Streptomyces griseus and the regulatory pathway in Streptomyces fradiae which leads to the production of tylosin. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Jong, R.J. de (2010) How effective is oral immunotherapy for food allergies and can it already be applied in clinic? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Jorritsma, W. (2010) Implicit learning of time intervals in a dual task experiment. Bachelor's Thesis, Artificial Intelligence.

Jurjens, A.A.R. (2010) An Implementation of a Generic Web Services Library Architecture For Symbian OS. Bachelor's Thesis, Computing Science.

Kanon, D (2010) Using Calibration Pinpoints for locating devices indoor. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.

Kanters, T.J. (2010) The effects of Global warming on the Arctic organisms of the Kongsfjorden ecosystem. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Karavolos, K.D. (2010) Using a Support Vector Machine to learn to play Othello. Bachelor's Thesis, Artificial Intelligence.

Kauw, M.B. (2010) Manufacturing Flexibility – a changeover Pit stop design at Ball Packaging Rugby. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Kazemier, J.J. (2010) Low-Cost Eye-Tracking-like Control of a PC: Hardware Realization and Interpreting Data. Bachelor's Thesis, Computing Science.

Keijzer, L.E. (2010) Wear In Total Joint Replacements: Characteristics and biological activity of wear debris from different materials. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Kersten, A.W. (2010) How to Make Runtime Architectural Design Decisions. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.

Kho, E. (2010) Een vergelijking van zes verschillende beeldvormende technieken met betrekking tot scoliose. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Kikkert, S.C. (2010) Performance of Web services on Mobile Phones. Bachelor's Thesis, Computing Science.

Kistemaker, J.C.M. (2010) DESIGN, SYNTHESIS and EXPLORATION of a NEW MOLECULAR MOTOR. Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Klaassens, M.B. (2010) Reumatoïde Arthritis: Behandeling met TNF-antagonisten. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Klaver, C. (2010) Implementation of a federative solution for two geo spatial databases. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Klazema, A.L. (2010) Towards a fast spelling device for a Brain Computer Interface. Master's Thesis / Essay, Human-Machine Communication.

Kleij, A.A.J. van der (2010) Monte Carlo Tree Search and Opponent Modeling through Player Clustering in no-limit Texas Hold'em Poker. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.

Klein, T.R. (2010) 3D Views of Traditional 2D Hatching Illustrations using Layering. Bachelor's Thesis, Computing Science.

Klerks, R.L. (2010) Marine Microbial Community Fingerprinting: An Analysis between “classical” Microscopy and DGGE. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Klijn, W.F.A. (2010) Single-spiking and bursting activity in a three layer Liquid-state network model: Where is the information? Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Koelewijn, L.S. (2010) Optimizing fact learning gains: Using personal parameter settings to improve the learning schedule. Master's Thesis / Essay, Human-Machine Communication.

Kooi, T (2010) Region enhanced neural Q-learning in partially observable Markov decision processes. Bachelor's Thesis, Artificial Intelligence.

Koole, T.L.C.E. (2010) De rol en het gebruik van melatonine bij slaap stoornissen. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Koolschijn, R.S. (2010) Een geschiedenis van de beenprothese. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Koopmans, S. (2010) Molybdenum in plants. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Kramer, H.W.J. (2010) Modellering warmtehuishouding Elektrolyseoven. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Kroezen, B. (2010) DNA-based catalytic asymmetric allylic substitution. Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Kruithof, M.W. (2010) Het strip- en bin-packing probleem in de praktijk. Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Kruzycka, J.B. (2010) Dietary restriction: it's never too late. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Kuijer, L.B. (2010) Creating a diophantine description of a r.e. set and on the complexity of such a description. Master's Thesis / Essay, Mathematics.

Kuil, E.I. (2010) The negative effect of groundwater on Sphagnum (spp.) dominated bogs. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Kuipers, C.H. (2010) Zoeken nestelende grutto’s, Limosa l. limosa elkaar op? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Kuipers, J.H.J. (2010) An integrated method for analyzing customer needs. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Kuipers, J.T. (2010) Negative Landmark Information Influence in FastSLAM. Bachelor's Thesis, Artificial Intelligence.

Laarhoven, T.M. van (2010) Text Recognition in Printed Historical Documents. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.

Lam, J.W. het (2010) Het effect van torsie op gehaakt hechtdraad in handpeesherstel. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Lammers, I.G. (2010) The DNA damage response in cancer stem cells. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Land, M. van 't (2010) Seagrass monitoring and management: Is it enough? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Lanting, B.O. (2010) De rol van infectie bij de ontwikkeling van leukemie. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Leereveld, D. (2010) Helpt diagnostiek van hepatitis A clusters bij preventie en voor bronopsporing? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Leerink, T. (2010) Bergmann's rule reviewed for Endotherms & Ectotherms. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Leeuwen, T. van (2010) Controlling Surface Properties using a Polymerizable Dithienylethene” and “Controlling Liquid-Crystalline Phase using Optically Active Dithienylethene as Dopant”. Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Lindeboom, R. (2010) Het impliciet leren van een tijdsinterval in een dualtasksetting. Bachelor's Thesis, Artificial Intelligence.

Lodewegen, A.G.N. (2010) Synthesis of Thiazol-2-yl,Urea Derivatives, Antibacterial Agents. Master's Thesis / Essay, Chemistry.

Lodewijk, G.W. (2010) Considerations for Controlling a (Wobbleyoke) Stirling Engine. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Logtestijn, M.D.A. (2010) Stabilization and tracking control of a planar robot with only position measurements. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Lollinga, W.T. (2010) Detection of circulating tumor cells in non-small cell lung cancer. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Loon, J.F. van (2010) Improving parking process performance – A case study at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Loznik, B. (2010) On the adaptive significance of non-parental infanticide in mammals - Linking model predictions to empirical observations. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Lu, X (2010) Novel polygenic model (multi-SNP genetic risk factor) helps to find parts of the missing heritability in blood pressure. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.

Lu, X (2010) Research Report 2: Novel polygenic model (multi-SNP genetic risk factor) helps to find parts of the missing heritability in blood pressure. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.

Luchtmeijer, E.L. (2010) Direct contact membrane distillation : Feasibility study on a novel saline water treatment process. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Luinenburg, M. (2010) Plasticity trough Astrocytes: How the Glue becomes the Solvent. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Maas, P. (2010) Queuing process control at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Maat, H. (2010) Bacteriën en auto-immuniteit. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Marsman, S. (2010) Sport en het effect op de immuniteit. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Mast, J.G. (2010) Over het tellen van priemgetallen. Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Matovu, M. (2010) Adaptive feature space transformation in Generalized Matrix Learning Vector Quantization. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.

Meeder, A.J. (2010) Nesting Algoritmes & Methodes - Een onderzoek naar optimalisatie van materiaalgebruik. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Meelker, M. (2010) Energy consumption with use of geothermal energy storage at WSN 54.11. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Meer, J. van der (2010) De stochastiek achter stromingen in de oceaan. Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Meerwijk, A.J.H. van (2010) The Multi-level Selection debate illustrated by the different degrees of eusociality in the wasp family Vespidae. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Meij, W.H.T. van der (2010) The design of a Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control system by using the algebraic graph theory. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Meijer, H. (2010) Procesoptimalisatie - In een thermische verzinkerij. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Menage, A. (2010) New treatments of ANCA-associated vasculitis: An overview. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Mensen, C. (2010) Functionalization of polycaprolactone. Master's Thesis / Essay, Chemistry.

Meulen, D. van der (2010) Chitosan for use in Enhanced Oil Recovery : a preliminary feasibility study on the potential technological and economic performance of chitosan if applied in polymer flooding. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Meulen, M.J. van der (2010) Acquisition and usage of circadian information by peripheral organs. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Middelburg, T. A. (2010) The mechanisms and genetic basis of immunity trade-offs. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Mohaupt S. (2010) Which stem cell for cardiomyocyte generation? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Mooiweer, J.R. (2010) CO-GASIFICATION OF GRASS AND DIGESTATE – A TECHNO-ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY STUDY. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Mourik, P.M. van (2010) The genomic research of secondary metabolites in fungi. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Mulder, E. (2010) A novel, safe synthesis route for butane diisocyanate as a building block for polyurethanes for biomedical applications. Master's Thesis / Essay, Chemistry.

Mussche, K. (2010) Speeding up the computation of parallel curve segments in DTI data. Bachelor's Thesis, Computing Science.

Neerbos, J. van (2010) Parallel Topological Watershed. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.

Neijenhuis, S.G.J. (2010) Planning design for a CONWIP controlled paint manufacturer. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Nevenzeel, K.J. (2010) Spooky Action at Spacy Distances. Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Niel, J.F. van (2010) Mobile biodiesel technology – the conceptual design of a mobile biodiesel installation. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Nijhuis, J (2010) A New Synthetic Method Towards Protected beta-Amino Acids. Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Nijland T.J.A (2010) Het klinische belang van extended spectrum beta-lactamases. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Niphuis, S. (2010) The fracture properties of thin polymer-supported Au films. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.

Noordman, J. (2010) Telemaintenance Defensie - Fictie of werkelijkheid? Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Norda, L.J. (2010) Adaptation of leafminers to their natural enemies: a tritrophic interaction. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Onrust, J. (2010) Site fidelity in Oystercatchers: An Ecological Trap? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Oost, K. van (2010) Soliton: een duik in een bijzondere golf. Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Oosten, J.P. van (2010) Can Markov properties be learned by hidden Markov modelling algorithms? Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.

Oosterholt, D.J. (2010) Purification of arsenic contaminated water - A technical and economic analysis. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Oostveen, YY (2010) Multiple Sclerose; pathogenese en mogelijke behandelvormen. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Overgaauw, M.S. (2010) Dynamic FRET: an avenue towards understanding biological macromolecules in motion. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Overkamp, J. (2010) Barriers in the generation of iPS cells. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Paalvast, T. (2010) Projection Reconstruction in NMR and Intrinsically Unfolded Proteins. Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Pedonomou, I.M. (2010) Cellulosic ethanol for rural Indonesia. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Perton, F. (2010) Possible preventive treatments of hypertrophic scar formation. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Piersma, D. (2010) Alcoholgeïnduceerde oxidatieve stress in het brein. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Pietersma, A.D (2010) Feature space learning in Support Vector Machines through Dual Objective optimization. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.

Pijpker, C. (2010) A Compton spectrometer for 30-150 keV photons. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.

Pinxterhuis, E.B. (2010) Dynamic combinatorial development. Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Plantinga, R. (2010) The CRISPR/Cas system in prokaryotes provides resistance against bacteriophages. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Poel, N.L. de (2010) Automated Security Review of PHP Web Applications with Static Code Analysis. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.

Pol, E. van der (2010) Langsstabiliteit van een boot op hydrofoils. Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Poortman, T. (2010) CuCl4(Y-NH3)2 Hybrids: The effect of different organic components Y on the material properties. Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Puijenbroek, M. van and Chang, E. and Olff, H. (2010) Research Report 1 : The effect of nutrient availability on Plant-Soil Feedback. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.

Punter, M.L. (2010) Life history variation, immune response and survival: evidence for causality? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Qian, X. (2010) Bio-plastic based on polycaprolactone (PCL) & starch. Master's Thesis / Essay, Chemistry.

Ramalho, G. and Walker Costa, T. (2010) Can Nitric Acid be produced in a Combustion Engine using Ammonia as a Fuel? Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Reitsma, G. (2010) VUV and soft X-ray photoabsorption of gas phase protonated peptides. Master's Thesis / Essay, Physics.

Reus, D.C. de (2010) Re-cross-linkable polymeric materials based on aliphatic polyketones modified with different functional groups. Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Rijck, J.D. de (2010) In betere banen. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Riksten, P.H. (2010) The opening between subspaces of a Hilbert Space. Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Roest, G.A.B. (2010) State transition in Arabidopsis thaliana and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Roest, S. (2010) Chasing the optimum Optimization of the enzymatic synthesis of Glucose-1B-Ethyl acrylate. Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Rohde, J.H. (2010) Mucosal immunity: the thin line between hypo- and hyperresponse to gut associated bacteria. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Roo, F. de (2010) Stability of reset controllers. Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Roumen, F.A. (2010) Bases for vector spaces in different models of set theory. Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Rozenbaum, R.T. (2010) The role of autophagy in cancer, and therapies for cancer in relation to autophagy. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Ruhmann, J. (2010) De neuronale regulatie van slaap en de slaapstoornissen REMsleep Behavior Disorder en Slaapwandelen. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

S.R. Hickendorff (2010) Argumentatie via gesimuleerde dialogen. Bachelor's Thesis, Artificial Intelligence.

Schaafsma, J.S. (2010) Future state design, production technology selection based on technology roadmapping and flow thinking. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Scharrenburg, M.W. (2010) Prenatale invloed van geslachtshormonen op seksespecifiek gedrag. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Schavemaker, P.E. (2010) Multi-functionality of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Schippers, L.M. (2010) The transport mechanesm of the sodium/aspartate symporter GltPh is novel and different from LeuT. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Schmaal, R.J.L. (2010) Data Exchange in ESA Space System Projects: Producing hierarchical data exchange formats from ORM conceptual schemas. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Schmidt, T.P. (2010) Robotics: Environmental Awareness Through Cognitive Sensor Fusion. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.

Schoenmaker, R.A. (2010) 3D Interactive Mesh Deformation. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.

Scholtens, E. (2010) Evolution of Self-Organised Division of Labour in Social Insects. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.

Schoonen, A.K. (2010) Using Copper free Click Chemistry for PET and combining this with Fluorescence for dual imaging. Master's Thesis / Essay, Chemistry.

Schouten, M. (2010) Which pressure-sensitive adhesives are used in medicine?’. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Schrojenstein Lantman, I.M. van (2010) Grazing and the effects on insect communities. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Schuppers, H.J.D. (2010) Identify the optimal product architecture for theUnitole UX for Eaton Holec. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Schure, G.J. ter (2010) Flexible exploration of a robotic fish. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Schurer, A.J. (2010) Technology assessment for decentralized production and use of cellulosic ethanol in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Schutte, V. (2010) Immuuntherapie voor kanker. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Seijen, F. van (2010) Chemical doping of organic field-effect transistors. Master's Thesis / Essay, Physics.

Seinen, J. (2010) Herpes Zoster: Tolereren of Vaccineren? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Senden, G. (2010) The Topology of the Universe. Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Siegenbeek van Heukelom, M.D. (2010) An Innovative Approach to Slag Processing - Higher Metal Recovery with subsequent Separation of Different Ferroalloys on a Russian Dump Site. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Sigar, E.V. (2010) Migratory factors influencing the invasive character of GBM. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Simon, J.E. (2010) Polycysteus ovarium syndroom. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Sipma, K.H. (2010) Over de invloed van het dikteprofiel op het mechanisch gedrag van een harde contactlens. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Slomp, A (2010) EagleCompiler. Bachelor's Thesis, Computing Science.

Sluis, T.C. (2010) Een gefaseerd informatiesysteem voor de planning en afhandeling van besteld ambulancevervoer. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Smink, A.M. (2010) Intracellular non-genomic effects of glucocorticoids in the brain and other tissues. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Smits, D.C.T. (2010) Optimal policies for polling systems with switching times and queue dependant holding costs. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Snijders, W.H.F. (2010) Optimization of the pre-treatment section. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Snoep, W.P.L. (2010) Het verbeteren van de productarchitectuur van een productlijn bij Resato International BV. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Spenkelink, L.M. (2010) Modeling of the interaction between two laser fields with ions in hot ion clouds. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.

Stam, E.D. and Huijskes T. D. (2010) Shear localization in AISI 410 stainless steel studied by Digital Image Correlation and Orientation Image Microscopy. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.

Stam, S. (2010) Resato High Pressure Technology. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Starmans, K. (2010) Niveau: kun je daarop rekenen? Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Stelwagen, H.J. (2010) Approximations of Pi. Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Stiekema, R.C. (2010) Reductiemogelijkheden bij het anodiseren. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Stokking, J.H. (2010) Design of an event-based public transport information system. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Svetachov, P. (2010) Illustrative Rendering and Multi-Touch Exploration of DTI data and Its Context. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.

Swier, L.J.Y.M. (2010) De substraatbinding aan het Substraat Bindend Domein 2 (SBD2) van de ABC-transporter GlnPQ. Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Takens, S.P. (2010) Indoor location tracking using Signal Strength Pinpoints. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.

Talens, L. (2010) DDR en Fibrose, Wat is de rol van de Discoidine Domein Receptor in het ontstaan van orgaanfibrose? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Talsma, D.T. (2010) Vertical transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Teeseling, B.J.V. van (2010) Testing Service-Oriented Architectures using a simulation. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.

Tellingen, N. van (2010) Gebruiken mensen informatie uit hun omgeving? : onthullingen met behulp van de eyetracker. Bachelor's Thesis, Artificial Intelligence.

Terpstra, S. (2010) The role of the lateral line in schooling. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Thiel, W.G.E. van (2010) Optimize learning with reaction time based spacing. Master's Thesis / Essay, Human-Machine Communication.

Tijsma, S. (2010) Production in uncertainty: countering uncertainty by improving planning capabilities to deliver products on time. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Tutuhatunewa, E. D. (2010) Infections and Health Outcomes of Combat Related Injuries: Current Knowledge and Upcoming Challenges. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Ulden, W. van (2010) Mobile biodiesel production with centrifugal contactor separator technology in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Vaart, M. van der (2010) Wat is de rol van HLA-DR4 bij het ontstaan van reumatoïde artritis? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Vasse, G (2010) De Ziekte van Alzheimer en roken: risicofactor of beschermende factor? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Veen, A.H. van (2010) Optimisation of a Vacuum Swing. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Veenman, K.M. (2010) Stereotypies, why and how. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Veenstra, A. (2010) Sound Recognition: A Cognitive Way. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.

Veer, S (2010) The influence of tertiary amines on the decomposition pathways of the decamethylzirconocene cation. Master's Thesis / Essay, Chemistry.

Vehoff, I.J. (2010) Mild upgrading of pyrolysis-oil through carboxylic acid esterification with alcohol and heterogeneous acid catalysts and simultaneous removal of water. Master's Thesis / Essay, Chemistry.

Velde, R.H. te (2010) Windsurfen@speed. Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Vergouwen, S.A. (2010) The trade-off between ageing and reproduction in the context of life histories. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Verheijke, G.C. (2010) Nature, nurture and the perinatal environment in Syndrome X etiology. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Verhoeven, M.A. (2010) Using the different subspecies of Red Knot (Calidris canutus) and Dunlin (Calidris alpina) to compare annual cycles. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Verschueren, H (2010) Human papillomavirus: HPV vaccination versus regular screening and good treatment. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Vetter, J. (2010) A SAFER ROUTE TO MDI - An assessment of a phosgene free manufacturing process. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Visser, J.A.L (2010) Radiatie geinduceerde vaatschade. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Vlaming, L. (2010) Integrating 2D Mouse Emulation with 3D Manipulation for Visualizations on a Multi-Touch Table. Master's Thesis / Essay, Computing Science.

Voet, V.S.D. (2010) Synthesis and self-assembly of multiblock copolymers with two-length-scale architecture. Master's Thesis / Essay, Chemistry.

Vogelaar, A.M. (2010) Intercalation of molecules into graphite-nitrate. Bachelor's Thesis, Physics.

Vogels, M. F. (2010) Auto-immuniteit bij Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus en immunomodulerende behandelmethoden. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Volger, M. (2010) Environmental feature extraction and comparison using a rotating Infra Red sensor. Bachelor's Thesis, Artificial Intelligence.

Voogd, A.R. de (2010) Finding a thermostable Baeyer- Villiger Monooxygenase. Bachelor's Thesis, Chemistry.

Vos, E. (2010) Nonlinear controller design for the piezo motor driven VDO measurement machine. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Vos, S. de (2010) On Generalizations Of The Borel-Cantelli Lemmas. Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Vries, G. de (2010) Hematopoietische Stamceltransplantatie als vorm van Immuuntherapie; het allogene Graft-Versus-Kanker effect. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Vries, K.J. de (2010) The modelling of neurons in the cochlear nucleus using Izhikevich neurons. Bachelor's Thesis, Artificial Intelligence.

Vrij, E.L. de (2010) Acupuncture and pain relief. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Vrijhoef, P. (2010) Logistiek ontwerp terrein nieuwe zinkfabriek. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Weerd, H.A. de (2010) Evolution of altruistic punishment in heterogeneous populations. Master's Thesis / Essay, Artificial Intelligence.

Weerden, J.F. van (2010) A Meta-Analysis of Fish Kinematics - An Update on Fish Swimming. Bachelor's Thesis, Artificial Intelligence.

Wefers Bettink, D.P. (2010) Identificatie van medische objecten. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Weijand, K. (2010) Kringloop van polyetheen bij AkzoNobel. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Weitenberg, E. (2010) Tangent planes to discriminant surfaces. Bachelor's Thesis, Mathematics.

Wennekes, P.L. and Etienne, R.S. (2010) The Neutral - Niche Debate: An Instance of The Classic Holism vs Reductionism Dichotomy. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Wermeskerken, J. van (2010) Enantioselective formal. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Werven, R.A. van (2010) A lean six sigma way for investigating the leak-testing procedure at Biddle B.V. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Wesselman, L.M.P. (2010) Run for your life: Prevent a public health burden. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Westra, J.E.S. (2010) A study on reaction pathways and mass transfer. Master's Thesis / Essay, Chemistry.

Wierda, J.P. (2010) FROM ACT-R TO EVENT RELATED POTENTIALS. Bachelor's Thesis, Artificial Intelligence.

Wijbenga, J.P. (2010) Formalizing Textual Derivation Rules in the ORM method. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Wijers, T (2010) The application of marine microalgae. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Wijk, A.E. van der (2010) Cardiorenal interaction: perspectives from the kidney. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Woldring, H. (2010) Material planning maintenance: optimising supply chain performance of recoverable parts for scheduled train maintenance. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

Wubs, M.D. (2010) Free time in birds. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Zeilstra, F. (2010) The Role of the MRN Complex in Cancer. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Zhou, Q. (2010) Research Report 2 : Quantitative Analysis of Carotenoids in Human Plasma. Master's Thesis / Essay, Biology.

Zijl, J.C. van (2010) Peesblessures door sport: pathomechanisme en nieuwe aangrijpingspunten voor therapie. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Zinnicq Bergmann, M.P.M. van (2010) The Contribution of Marine Protected Areas to Resilience and persistence in Marine Fish Species. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Zomerman, WW (2010) Shift work and obesity. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Zwarteveen, R.K. (2010) Promoter hypermethylation of homologous recombination genes: Target for therapeutic agents. Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Zwarts, I. (2010) Which subtype Toll-like receptor is important for the signaling of farm dust? Bachelor's Thesis, Biology.

Zwerink, B. (2010) De flexibilisering van een lasrobot. Bachelor's Thesis, Industrial Engineering and Management.

van Velzen, N.J.C. (2010) Reactivity Studies of Cyclopentadienyl-Arene Niobium Complexes. Master's Thesis / Essay, Industrial Engineering and Management.

This list was generated on Fri Dec 20 23:58:38 2024 CET.